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After receiving the antidote provided by Risako, Dolores's body was quickly neutralized by the toxins blocking her recovery, and the trauma to her body quickly healed. But due to the side effects of the antidote and the nerve stimulation caused by the toxin, Dolores remained unconscious for 3 days before regaining consciousness. Meanwhile, the bar owner who provided Dolores with a job and a place to stay was furious when he found out she hadn't shown up for work and couldn't be reached. Considering that she wasn't always very nice to her guests, the boss decided to let her go. The boss ordered Dolores's roommate to pack up her luggage and leave it at the door of her dorm room.

Although Dolores regained consciousness after three days of sleep, her body was still in a very weak state, so she rested for a few more days at the urging of Risako, during this time she stayed in the monastery where Risako was.

While accompanying Dolores on a tour of the monastery's interior, Risako introduced her to some of his colleagues, who, like Risako, were nuns between the ages of 17 and 20, they also have special powers to fight monsters. Risako felt that Dolores was gifted and could perhaps join their organization so that her talents would not be wasted.

Risako also introduced to Dolores the specific work of the demon hunting organization they belong to, which is responsible for eliminating people possessed by evil spirits, and the evil spirit was destroyed after the release of the magic absorbed into their own body and purification.

It was during her retreat that Risako went on a new mission, and she showed Dolores this transcendent power. Dolores had the ability to see where the magic was going. She saw that the mark on the belly of Risako glowed magenta, and then a lot of magic poured out of the mark and spread throughout her body.Risako in the face of the enemy from the galloping unhurriedly put on a good posture, and then the next moment she easily split the enemy into a few pieces.

Dolores was not only surprised by the powerful power of Risako, but also felt an ominous smell of the magic she used, which seemed very similar to her own demon contract power.The power in her body is supposed to be greater, but it can only be used when the curse imprint comes into contact with an enemy, or when it automatically heals an injury.

Dolores was so concerned about the power of Risako that she asked where it came from.Risako replied that detailed questions could be directed to Father Phin Austin of the monastery.



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