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For Dolores, who had been poisoned by the poison and was in a daze, she had decided to give up her struggle and accept her impending death. But in the next instant, a sharp knife light killed the two evil spirits at the same time. At the same time, a dark-haired girl in a ninja costume had appeared beside Dolores, the blood dripping from the blade of the girl's hand showed that she had saved her own life.

Dolores struggled to make out what she was looking for, but the naked belly of the ninja girl caught her eye, and she felt powerful magic in the pink glow of the girl's belly, does she have the power of the demon's Curse?

Dolores could hardly breathe or think about whether to receive help, as the evil spirit's poison had spread all over her body. The ninja girl immediately helped Dolores up and took her to the nearest clinic, is a convent-run welfare hospital.

Dolores was laid flat on the clinic bed by the ninja girl, who was in a near-total coma when, in a daze, she heard the ninja girl seemingly talking to some man about what drugs to take.

“Oh? is that what you're gonna give her?”

Dolores was trying to figure out who they were and what they wanted to do, but there was nothing she could do about it, and as the toxin further eroded her nerves, she suffered a violent seizure, completely passed out.

The ninja girl turns Dolores over, takes off her panties, and injects an antidote into her butt. As the antidote coursed through Dolores's body, the poison was gradually broken down, and the purple marks on her body quickly faded away.

Then Dolores's lower body began to twitch, presumably as the body's detoxification function kicked in. But because she was in a coma, an uncontrollable gush of golden fluid spilled onto the bed between her legs, which was another important reason why the ninja girl took off her panties for her.



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