Regarding the change in plan prices for next year (Pixiv Fanbox)
2023-12-16 05:53:44
As I mentioned before, starting next year, you will be able to see my paintings in the new thx plan! The reason why the price has increased is because, as I said before, I want to draw harder now compared to when I first started the fan box, so I want to create an environment where I can immerse myself in drawing more! I still have a lot of things that I am not good at, but I will try harder to draw better paintings in the future!
この前もちょっと話をしたことがあるように来年から皆さんはnewthxプランで私の絵を見ることができます! 値段が上がった理由はあの時話したように私が初めてファンボックスを始めた時に比べて今絵をもっと熱心に描きたくなって絵にもっと没頭できる環境を作りたいからです! まだ私には未熟な点が多いですが、後でもっと素敵な絵を描けるようにもっと頑張ります!