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hey fellas, happy new year. what ever you guys did during the holidays, i hope it was a great time. It's been a couple of months since the Pixiv Guidelines scare we had back in November and where a lot of us creators panic buttoned. I would have liked to reopen my FANBOX sooner but I had family visiting for the holidays so I thought I might as well postpone it to 2023. This year, I will be focusing on a few projects. Namely my 2 Nona doujins, a Nona dakimakura, "Nonahole" onahole design (box only), and hopefully a bunch of collaboration drawings with some of our favorite loli OCs. thank you and I hope you will continue supporting my work




Already sounds like an amazing year is ahead, at least when it comes to you and Nona! Hope the year outside of that is good for everyone too.


where did everything go o A o


Will you bring back the Nona + horse comic? Or make future similar content? Love your stuff always


Where will we be able to see the older works that got deleted?