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Hi Fans,

we are very happy to celebrate with you all the amazing 12 months of Shotastic you all made possible. When we started, we wanted to create a magazine style publication with different stories and a professional look and feel. And with your support and feedback you helped us excel in so many categories.

Yet, as you may recognised from the lack of updates this month, Shotastic will go on a break from December on. So November will be our last Issue, for now.

We take a break because the monthly release schedule and pressure started to smother our creativity and time we need for more complex projects like MoG or High Tide. We also lost 2 team members due to time constrains and we just need some time to replace their talent. We only want to give you our best for your money!

After November we will delete all member tiers so you have nothing else to do. Just stay as a member, receive your Gold Issue in November. After that, your membership will expire automatically.

So, next month, we will release our October Fest Story as a 39 pages "Shotastic Gold" issue to cap of our amazing 12 month run.

This special issue will only be available next month and after that, disappear forever. So be sure to join the celebration and get this special Issue. There is a lot of good stuff in there, the Shotastic style SS you know and love.

We hope you understand and give us the chance to bring our A-Game. We are deeply humbled by your support and feedback and we all want to thank you so much for making this amazing project possible. We plan to come back sometime next year, so stay as a follower to get updated as soon as that happens.

But there is one more month of amazing SS action in front of us with Shotastic gold! We also will celebrate the month with some throwbacks and celebrations.

Thanks again and again!

All the Love,





Shotastic will be sorely missed🥲. Hope you guys come back soon. You can consider keeping the fanbox open for those might want to donate for a speedy comeback😀


Is your break expected to be more than just the month of december?


It was nice to be able to observe and participate in a continuous development. But I know from my own experience that an occasional break to distract oneself is more conducive to creativity than a frantic clinging to something that becomes more and more of a burden - and thus is no longer good work. You feel when the time has come, when new ideas want to come out of you to be told. But they can't be forced. I will wait for it.😉


Thank you for your loyal support and constant feedback! We will be happy to welcome you back!


Yes, right now we do now estimates when Shotastic will come back. Sorry :/


You will be missed too Kc. Such a loyal supporter and great feedback giver. We always loved to read from you! We will be happy to have you back


So sad to see you go, but I think it's for the right reasons, as you pointed them out - thank you for the communication, it's very much appreciated. Hopefully the break isnt needed for too long but take as much time as you need, of course. You're the best of the best and I know, along with others, that we'll be eagerly awaiting your penultimate return. Good luck Shotastic and keep us updated! :)


Hi guys everyone needs a break and you guys deserve it. Go have some fun, recharge but please do come back. Cheers.


Thanks for your loyal support and understanding :) we always appreciated your input and support ❤️


That would make me very happy too. Unfortunately, my stories (with pictures and covers by KeyHoleEye) on my page "Incest World" were blocked by Pixiv at the beginning of September and have not yet been released again. (Their translation into English was apparently not my cleverest idea.) Currently, my only opportunity to comment is in the comments section of the Fanbox. As long as my subscription is not cancelled by Pixiv, I will definitely stay with you next year when your site resumes.


Well shit. :( Are you 100 percent coming back or even that's up in the air?


Aww I'm super sad and not only that we wont see nice Xmas themed stuff in december but to see you go. I mean of course take a nice break, enjoy everything but I sure do hope that after some time (hopefully not that long!) you will come back, I absolutely cannot imagine life without marvelous Shotaistic! :( I truly believe and hope for the best, you are doing something absolutely magical for us and the world!! :)


Thank you for the amazing feedback! We will do what we can to bring the magic back :)


To community: any ideas who to support in meantime (comics)?


Oh no! No, no, no! I'm like king Silas shouting to God don't leave! Seriously, think about something, it can be less, less often, even less top quality, but stay in business. I'm afraid that without it you're risking losing not only fan base but also motivation, so it will be more difficult for you to come back. Especially that such a great themed time is coming (Christmas) and I'm sure you would make something wonderful for us. Please reconsider :)


Bombon thank you so much for heartfelt words. we don’t want to charge money for less content in quality and quantity. And money does not motivate us so much, more the art it makes possible to create and to deliver you the best content. So if we have super great content, we will have the motivation to come back. And fans will be there when the content is great. It is all about the quality of the work and sometimes it needs reset / time. So don’t worry 😉 We have you in our heart ❤️


There are some great artists out there doing animations and stuff with AI Image generation. It is quality we can only dream about archiving! Feel free to support them in the future!


Oh you :P Come back one day, or I'll come for you! :D Good luck! PS don't vanish again, you know what I mean ;)


Well, I'm into comics (only; ok vids too, but they're rarely texted, not to mention voiced). If you have any ideas about those artist, let me know :) And come back soon geez, I love your works team :* Bullshit :P You do great works, it's not only about graphical quality, it's text, it's style, ideas, little details - and you're the best active artists in shota genre I know!


Stay in touch with us, make a render from time to time or use space as a blog to talk with us. Not saying recruit new people here, as matching your graphical quality is beyond us :P, but just don't leave us completely if you can :) But take rest too, you deserve it.