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Ahhhhh I can finally sit down and do my weekly report

Hello GG

welcome to this weekly newsletter

I was busy moving last week

Hiring a moving company is very expensive

So my father just took advantage of his two days off to help me carry these things

funny thing is

"The car he borrowed from the company can't carry my motorcycle"

So I followed him and drove overnight to my grandfather's old house

that's where I live now

many neighbors in the village are very interested in us

my father knew almost everyone in the village

because he spent his childhood here

this place has a bunch of birds

a pile of rice fields and a pile of frogs

there are a bunch of old people

The youngest people I can see are probably over 55

so they were very curious about my move in

because it's so remote

that it doesn't seem like a place any urbanite would want to live in

After a short nap, my father drove me back to where I came from

then I let him go home and rest

then I rode for about 12 hours to my new home

that's a long way

But I found that I quite like it here

there's a rat the size of a cat on the side of the road

fearless frog

and a bunch of green plants

I believe living here should be quite pleasant

I still have an open space where I can grow something

with a yard

I haven't figured out what to plant yet

Potatoes maybe?

because i like chips

Okay come back and talk about the video

I believe everyone should have watched Stalker 4

if you don't

I have absolutely no idea why since it's free

according to the old tradition

From the Invade 3 series onwards all stories are four episodes

and 1 and 4 will be released for free

That means half of my work will actually be open to the public for free

I used to wonder if that would be a problem

because seriously

If something is free no one will pay for it

but actually i think

if i was the audience

and I really like something

even if it reveals the beginning and the end

I'd still love to know the full content

So I think what I'm going to do should be

make videos higher quality can attract more people

Instead of more restrictions and more money


Yes, Stalker 5 will be released for free

recently, one of my favorite creators started to use AI to draw pictures

I don't intend to criticize whatever the creator decides to do

although it is intended to increase more production

make work more efficient

But in fact, as a fan who has watched his works for a long time

I like his works very much

I would feel quite pity

when people choose not to continue on their original path

perhaps this is an evolution of the times?

are we in a period of some kind of revolution?

I don't know the answer to this question

but I think I will continue to do animation tomorrow

because I really love these things

It's actually quite interesting

I still remember the night when I posted my first work on FANBOX

it's...uh.....tea time with lala

on2022/11/15 08:01

then I posted Play with riri at 20:32 on the same day

I started making Play with riri after I uploaded tea time with lala that day

I also remember that I may not have eaten for 36 hours

then do two animations on the same day

man at that time, I thought I could really do two animations a day

But as I use more and more tools

more and more experience

as I added more details I found that

In fact, as experience increases, it seems that it will not make faster

It's an interesting thing is

I'm getting slower

Because I might check a 5 second or so shot 50 times LMAO

I sometimes think

why would i do this

maybe no one will notice these details at all

But I still feel like I should

These things need polishing

they should be taken very seriously

So I promise you that all the videos I upload I personally like very much

uh...including i just mentioned Play with riri

I watched this video I made last November

I really think this thing should have a sequel

maybe after the end of the stalker series

because I actually made a new Lili

with my newest skin

I said so many things I don't know what I'm talking about

But my weekly seems to be a thing like this

it was not a what

Company disclaimers or something like that

man that stuff is super formal

I literally just sit in front of my computer and drink (usually hot cocoa)

then type whatever I think of into the computer

oh i thought i could mention my next plan

(Actually, the weekly newspaper seems to be supposed to talk about this, but I said it as if it was attached)

Just after I finished Stalker 4

I'm starting to think this series might have 8

I really enjoyed playing with Miku's dead body

after doing foot fetish animation this time

I still have a lot of new poses I want to try

You may notice that the movements of the entire Stalker series are very delicate

because I disabled almost all automatic features

adjust every moment by myself

So basically every moment you see is designed by me

I think I can try other animations in this way


You can probably also see a lot of well-designed things in the next video

or in other words

all future videos

Cause if I think it's good I'll keep doing it

and the performance of Stalker 4 I think is very good

so sure

i will continue to do this

okay that's all

thank you for watching this weekly report

hope you will look forward to Stalker 5

because I always want to surprise everyone

thanks for watching:)



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