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⭑⭑⭒⭒ (2/4) - 「嘛~你也睡得太熟了吧?」 「まあ、あなたも寝すぎたんじゃない?」 "Well, you slept too deeply, didn't you?" - 這次畫了非常多的心力在惡作劇的過程上,光影跟細節都提升不少。 希望作畫進度能跟得上自己的預期! 今回は悪ふざけの過程にかなりの労力を注いで、光と影、そして細部にも多くの改善を加えました。自分の予想に追いつくように作業が進んでくれることを願っています!」 I put a lot of effort into the process of this prank, and the lighting, shadows, and details have all been significantly improved. I hope the progress of the artwork can keep up with my expectations!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 贊助者限定/ Monthly Sponsorship ✧ https://yrac.fanbox.cc ✧ https://cxc.today/zh/store/yracyrac DOWNLOAD/ Sponsor-exclusive content. 已超過「百万両」方案的閱讀期限
 「百万両」プランの閲覧期限を超過しました。 The reading period for the '百万両' package has exceeded. - 再次謝謝你的訂閱! 再度、ご購読いただきありがとうございます! Thank you again for subscribing!




The playful eroticism is felt strongly. 💕 I wonder if he is dreaming about anything exciting. 😳💦


Definitely loved it! Loved how playful the character seemed almost as if he was trying to see how much he could get away with. Definitely looked sexy~

鴉 Yrac

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it and found the character's playfulness and charm appealing. Your appreciation means a lot to me. I will continue to strive to create engaging and captivating artwork. Thank you again for your kind words!

鴉 Yrac

I'm glad you felt a strong sense of playful eroticism in the artwork. It's always interesting to imagine what the character might be dreaming about.