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Omg what did I made...

Despite my tries not to touch this age group, I couldn't hold back.

This is a planC "tool" to play with "shorter" models (works with a lot - I tried), just scale them up-down a bit if they don't behave right.

Sorry plan A and B guys. This is mainly an interactive scene...

I made a preview for you to check under Root > The Pappin Family > Molly Preview

I must say it came up good!

I would love to have some feedback from VR users.






What app can i use to interact with this?


Bro, i can't access the folder anymore. Can you check pls :(


https://georgex.fanbox.cc/posts/3581916 Go here and Blue is link, below is pass :)


And just checked in VR and we have a minor problem... Bill's right hand isn't marked as posesable. Advanced user know how to fix this but just in case... Go in edit mode, select his rhand and mark possesable on top. Save it.


The "Preview" was very nice. Excellent work.


Maybe because you like them this young too. There is no shame to have, furthermore those are just 3d models. Anyway you are tempting me taking the plan c for this month just to get this, it looks really awesome, Molly is so cute <3


I have plan C for the future, unfortunately can't afford really good desktop and my laptop can't handle Virt a Mate. So i hope plan B and A get some stuff from it all. TwT


It opens and runs in desktop mode but he isn't doing anything (no animations). Tools work but must pose him a bit.


Maybe I should consider a vr headset in the future, looks so damn great. Do you know if Oculus is good?


It is good and cheap but it requires a faceb00k login, sooo idk... you decide. I bought an HP windows mixed reality one. Works great till now.


Now uploading a VR180 vid of Molly for plan C users. It's 730mb so give it some time to upload and check it out.


Thank you sir, I did not know about the required facebook acount to login, wtf is that, how to fuck your privacy... I will consider your suggested one.


If you have $ to spear look at valve's index one. I like the controllers being able to recognize individual fingers. Haven't try it, just read it. It's an old one but who cares. Also lynx-r is promising. VR+AR too, no controllers, just your hands with leap motion.


Unfortunately valve's one is way too pricey for the usage I will make of it. For the hp one I cannot find it anymore in my country, mostly oculus is sold here, maybe I could create a fake fb account to use it. And yes this Lynx-r looks promising, should I wait?... Still not sure.