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The beggining of Christine's adventures with Bill.

pA and pB users have parts 1,2 and 3 as videos (a small intro) uploaded.

pC users will get the first small file whith part 4 release (really soon, already made but not ready for video yet).

Cristine doesn't like anl... What will happen if Bill insists for it?




If she does not like it then he should accept it! Unless he has some other way to convince her :p


Maybe her sis has to teach her how to like it XD


So, in the future, any time there is an update (like this for example) do we have to ask for a new link?


Guys I deleted post with link request. I'll check for you every 2nd day max but if you didn't get a PM with links plz PM me yourselves.


No links will stay same for a period of time. Then I'll find a way to update them (don't know how exactly). One idea is to post a changes to the existing (eg: make one > two) or I will PM you the new ones again... :/ All this mess is because the prev ones where leaked so mega informed me about bandwith extremes. Any ideas?


Not easy since she is the oldest, using the little sister like said above is a good idea, Lea could teach her or make her jalous, you can also make the dad promise something in exchange, like buy her some clothes (lol) but it requires text or voice.


So the next big goal is for me to find a nsfw voice acctress to give her a nice script to sing and take this to another level. It would be awesome. Let's search then...


Lol ok we will see what you can get from it ^^ Let's hope it turns out well :p


how do I see your content


I donated now where can i watch the series?


This series has just started Suds, There are only a few vids available. I'll uptade everyone as I make them via posts like this.


Hey Digs I cannot PM you. Account suspended? PM me somehow to send you links.


Grab links from post Digs. The new ones. And copy paste password.