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Plan A & B users:

You know... :)


Plan C users:

Model of her and a bunch of scenes (see vids under other tiers for preview).

It might throw a texture error, just ignore it it's not used anywhere. I will fix it with her next release.



Lovely little girls


how do i get to it?


Hi there. On main page there are some posts named LINK A, B & C. Follow the link on the post. FYI you can see the content of lower tiers folders. If you can't find it pm me, I will help. Thanks and enjoy.


Under plan C, I'm just seeing a new VR scene but no different non VR ones other than what is in the B and A folders. Is that right?


Right (so far in this case), when content changes I post it as a comment to inform you about it.


Great as always. She is adorable


For me the scenes for Kaia, Leena and Agnes are not working. Not even appearing in VAM scene loader. The models work fine but not the scene. Know why this could be happening?


hmmm 1st thing coming in my mind is the folder you placed them. They should be under Your VAM folder -> AddonPackages. Next one is the format. You didn't unzip them or something, right? They still var's? If you did, drag contents in matching folders (custom -> custom, saves -> saves etc). Maybe they downloaded with some error? Did you try to re-download them? Hope these help :/