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I didn't originally provide a link to download uncensored cartoons.

This was just a service.

But then the leak to the illegal site got faster and faster.

Last month, as soon as I shared the link to the fanbox, it was leaked in a day and this month in two days.

There are people who share the address with all my cartoons on their G drive.

I send emails to illegal sites and request them, but they ignore them and don't delete them.

I spent 30 to 40 dollars each to get the translation translated, and in 10 hours I changed it into a translated book, but the result was a faster outflow.

I've been drawing that cartoon for the past month. I'm so tired.

I don't know what to do next month.

I'm worried about whether to stop providing links or stop operating overseas services.





私の全てのマンガを自分のG driveに載せてその住所を共有する人もいます。



私はその漫画を去る一ヶ月間も描いたことです。 本当に疲れました。



저는 원래 무검열 만화를 다운받을 수 있는 링크를 제공하지 않았습니다.

이것은 그저 서비스였습니다.

그런데 점점 불법사이트로 유출되는 기간이 빨라지더니

지난달에는 제가 팬박스에 링크를 공유하자마자 하루만에, 이번달에는 이틀만에 유출이 되었습니다.

저의 모든 만화를 자신의 G drive에 올려놓고 그 주소를 공유하는 사람도 있습니다.

저는 불법사이트에 수없이 메일을 보내고 요청을 해도 그들은 이제 무시하고 삭제해주지 않습니다.

애써서 30~40달러씩 지불하여 번역을 받고 열시간동안 번역된 글자로 고쳐 번역본을 만드는데 그 결과는 더 빠른 유출일 뿐이었습니다.

저는 그 만화를 지난 한달동안이나 그린것입니다. 정말 지치네요.

다음달에는 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠네요.

저는 링크 제공을 중단해야 할지 해외 서비스 운영을 중단해야 할지 고민입니다.






I'm sorry this is happening to you. Whatever works best for you, I appreciate your work and your decision!


Don’t be worried,We will to be with you.




It is indeed very difficult to deal with these problems. If you change the way you share, we fans will do our best to cooperate, because we do like your work very much. You have been working very hard!老师加油呜呜呜真的很喜欢你


I'm so sorry this is happening. I really like your work and appreciate the extra mile you go to give us a translated version. I'll continue to support you and your decisions.


i really love your work, i can see the dedication and care in every work, please stay strong Q.Q i still want to see more warrior and sorcerer... tho, i'll support any choice you make


I understand your frustration about this matter. Don’t worry about it and just do what is best for you, I’ll support your decision


I suggest you raise the price of your sponsorship,For full-color manga, 400 yen is too cheap,The number of people who support the legitimate version is relatively fixed,Raising the price will guarantee the stability of your income.As a legitimate supporter from China,There are not many channels to support the original in China,I sincerely hope I can continue to pay for your comics.


The thing is, if you try to defend and asks their work to be taken down? The people on those sites will literally attack you. Stay strong! We'll support whatever decision you want


I understand your feeling and what i can do is keep on subscription and do not share to other, add oil


I really love your works, and I’m so sorry for what happened. No matter what decision you make, I still support you!




I do enjoy your work. I am sorry that some folks are being awful about this. Whatever you decide to do, I shall continue support to the best of my ability.


Love what you do and honestly I think just keep it on this site and not make it separate files for your art so it’s hard for people to download and upload it somewhere else. Your the first artist that’s been so considerate with the language and it feels unfair when some supports and appreciate your work and some just get it illegally.


해외만 중단하는게 어떨까요 ㅠㅠ ... ㅡ


I am wiling to support your choice. As for me, I always buy your work at gumroad (I always could not wait!) , and then, gain a link for the translated version from fanbox.


Maybe you can try to get fans to actively complain about your work uploaded on these sites. If many people respond to the site, this situation will get better. A Japanese author has taken similar actions to various platforms and appealed to everyone not to upload. There will be a very obvious effect.


I agree with 木下san, it really makes a difference. Many bomtoon and lezhin authors are dealing with the same problem, and they have gain results. However, whatevert choice ppatta-nim decides to do, I will always support you.




Sorry all of your work is being uploaded illegaly, especially so quickly after you release it. If the uncensored links are making the piracy happen faster, maybe you could wait a couple of weeks before providing the link? That way there's at least a bigger delay between your work appearing to us on Fanbox and on the illegal sites. Of course, I'll support your decision here no matter what, even if you decide to just avoid linking to an uncensored version at all. I also want to say thank you for translating your work. The translations are honestly the highest quality I've seen from an independent artist. In addition to your art, I really like the scenarios you come up with, and the good translations make it easy to enjoy them.




ppatta-nim, I'm sorry to know people are doing this. This is very unfair to you. You're a great artist and no one deserves to have their work stolen and unpaid for, and I appreciate the extra time and money you spend to translate your work. I'm happy to return to ¥800 a month if it deters piracy. I'm also OK with stopping all English translations if there's no other solution. I'd be sad to see it happen, but ultimately your income and mental wellbeing is more important. However, please allow foreign patrons like myself to continue supporting you through monthly subscriptions or purchases (like through Gumroad). I love your work and I'm grateful to see it at all, in any form. I hope you can find some way of sharing your work that curtails piracy. Thank you for your hard work and effort.


That’s so frustrating, so much work and effort and people think they have the right to steal it! I’m so sorry this has been happening! Artists needs so much more support

Ashe Leigh

We will always support you in your decisions! I really love your work so much and I can also feel the frustration regarding this! I hope a solution can be done about this.


I really support you! Maybe you can increase the sponsor price or put your works on more sites like DLSITE?


i support you always! please don’t let it discourage you!


It's really sad how all of my favorite artists and all artist in general have to deal with this problem. People really need to care more about copyrights. Maybe you can raise the price a bit or find a way to report those site instead of try to work with them. I love your arts and will always support you even if you go back to 800 per month. I just hope you can keep doing the english version cause i can only read that one :( and all these oversea service too. I hope i can still read you comic every month in the future If there's anything we can help, please tell us.


You can also do it the old way. 800/month and only post the uncensored work at the end of each month. It can help you with the translating money and delay the illegal repost time while you try to find a way to prevent it.


I don't mind paying 800/month to support Ppatta-nim. But I hope they don't stop overseas and english translations, those are the only ones I can read. 😥 Please don't let this get you down! I think Ppatta-nim is one of the best independent artists and the first one I've ever actively supported with actual money because that's just how good I think their work is.


Thank you for your comic creation all the time. I agree with Mr. / Miss Eurus's proposal. Your work deserves a higher price, and I'm willing to continue support you. I want to say it again, thank you so much !!!


I always enjoy reading your articles. My fear is that the service will break your heart. I do have a desire to read in Japanese and on a site I am familiar with. However, I would be very sad if I couldn't find your work because of that. I want to continue to encounter your works. I want you to choose the best environment for you. In any form ,I'm here to help.


I always enjoy your works, I really love warrior♡ I often buy on postype too because I cant wait for translation(I love warrior too much ><) I hope you will still continue the english translation though because its the only way i can understand the comics..(i love the prince and warrior story very much!!!!) Maybe you can provide the uncensored version at the end of the month? Or even if theres no link, I support your decision. Please cheer up patta-nim! I hope theres something that can be done about the repost too :(


I agree with this. I think you can just provide the uncensored content by the end of the month to avoid leaks! Please continue with your work :(


아.. 웹툰들도 불펌 심하단 이야기는 들었었는데 픽시브까지.. 어떻게 잡을 방법 없을까요?ㅠㅠ 심란하시겠어요ㅠㅠ 뭔가 도움이 못되서 안타까워요ㅠㅠ 자기 드라이브에 올린 인간은 진짜 뭔가요


To those sharing on illegal sites, PLEASE!! Aside from it gets loyal fans getting involved, it really hurts the artist in more ways possible than you think. I wouldnt wonder if ppatta suddenly stops sharing his/her work because of issues like this. So please! It’s really awful watching my supported artists deal with these problems so often 😕


Just started supporting you because I heard you were gonna stop. I would love to see more of your work, I hope things get better! ♡


Just started supporting you because I heard you were gonna stop. I would love to see more of your work, I hope things get better! ♡


I was just thinking about this exactly "How long until some ******* shares this outside illegally?" It's understandable how exasperating this is and I'm sad for you as well. It's hard to find creators like you who provide multilanguage translations. As a fan, I greatly appreciate it.


I joined couple of ffanbox and patreons artists recently this happening to others as well. Such a shame.


I am so sorry to hear about this (;A;) Everytime I see leaked contents of your work I will immediately report them. I will forever support your work! Please don't give up! I can't do much but to continue supporting you here as a fan. End of the month download links are perfectly ok.


나쁜놈들 정말 완전 도둑놈들 심보네여 ㅜㅜ 구독해서 정말 매달 너무 잘보고 있어요 위로가 될지 모르겠지만 앞으로도 계속 응원합니다!


정말 너무 안타까워요.돈 주고 번역하다 큰 도움이 되었다.감동적이었어요.괴로워하지 마십시오.영원히 응원할게요!(한국어를 잘 못 합니다, 양해해 주세요.)


Nice to meet you, I'm a fan of yours. This month's comic was very nice! But I'm so sorry to hear that illegal uploads are so bad and I don't know what to say to you. I draw comics too, so I can only imagine how hard it is to have a comic you've been working on for a month uploaded illegally in just a few days. I will always support you.


I'm sorry this is happening. It is hard to avoid this, because there are many bad and rude people in the internet. 😔 Maybe better to only release uncensored high resolution in gumroad for higher price? (e.g. 10-15$ for one full comic) And for fanbox, only keep censored low resolution image. For me, this situation is OK. I would like it more if you are less stressed over illegal distribution, and I can enjoy your work already even if it's censored 🙏




Im so sorry to hear this. Do you have a patreon account where people could be a patron/ give more for your work? ( this works effectively for US webtoons patrons, and you can make merchandise to be send worldwide too. Shirts,etc ( the shipping and making of the goods would be taken care by patreon staff so you only have to send the png file to them) ( even if it's only a keychain) we all want a warrior shirts/ products 🥰! I could see all the hardwork and effort you put on and that's heartbreaking to find it soon illegally leaked online.


I'm sorry you have to face this problem. Some people are a**hole who can't appreciate artist hard work and respect the rules😔 I would suggest weeding them out, but it's so easy to make another account anyway oof


yea patreon is such a good idea and it makes it so much harder to steal work because you have to pay to get everything as you should.