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The story on this issue only goes along the outline of the original game story. There is no such scene in the original story, however, in which the Hero recalls having seen Chen Mui's face in his dream.

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 26

一気に裏面まで物語が進みます。 The story makes abrupt progress to the post-ending scenes. 前回のストーリーはこちら。 / The previous story is here: 第一回はこちら。 / The beginning is here: 【ENGLISH TRANSLATION】 And we defeated Lord Rhapthorne, who was the root of all the evel... ...then saw th...

最初のページはこちら。/ The first page is here:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 1

 水面下でこっそり描いている、ドラゴンクエストⅧを下敷きにした変な漫画です。 微妙に出オチ感があるかも。勘のいいひとならこの1枚めを見ただけで展開の予想がつくかもしれません。 This is a somewhat perverted cartoon derived from Dragon Quest 8. Some people may be able to assume how the story will devel...


HERO: I wonder what this place is like...


HERO: Wow!

CHEN MUI: I am sorry for surprising you. My name is Chen Mui, one of the elders from the Dragovian race.

HERO: He...hello, Mister, so is this a village of the Dragovians?

YANGUS: I've heard for the first time in my life there's such a village.

HERO: I remember having seen this man's face somewhere. Maybe it was in my dream?

ANGELO: This place is somewhat desolated, eh?

JESSICA: This village looks rather pretty.

CHEN MUI: We would like to ask you a very important favor...

DRAGOVIAN ELDER: In fact, we have to plead with you to appease our Lord... the Lord of the Dragovians.

CHEN MUI: Eight, I ask that of you, too.


YANGUS: That powerful cheeses we had way back when would've helped us attackin' 'im.

HERO: Ah, those cheeses... it's hard to procure the ingredient for them.

 (I can simply summon the monster teams.)

次のページはこちら。 / The next page is:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 28

 大まかにはゲームのストーリーと同じ内容です。竜神王は絶世のイケメンという設定ですが、たてじまにイケメンを描かせてもせいぜいこの程度の仕上がりにしかなりません。 *The story is roughly the same as the original story in the game. The Lord of the Dragovians is supposed to be outstandingly handsome, ...



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