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The story makes abrupt progress to the post-ending scenes.

前回のストーリーはこちら。 / The previous story is here:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 25

 いろいろな出来事が生じますが簡略化させてもらいます。だってこのまんがのメインイベントにはあまり絡んでこない出来事ばかりですから。 *The Hero and his party come across many events. Excuse me for simplifying them; they are not deeply related to the main event of this cartoon. 前回のストーリーはこ...

第一回はこちら。 / The beginning is here:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 1

 水面下でこっそり描いている、ドラゴンクエストⅧを下敷きにした変な漫画です。 微妙に出オチ感があるかも。勘のいいひとならこの1枚めを見ただけで展開の予想がつくかもしれません。 This is a somewhat perverted cartoon derived from Dragon Quest 8. Some people may be able to assume how the story will devel...


And we defeated Lord Rhapthorne, who was the root of all the evel...

...then saw the world filled again with peace and the smiles.

After a while we all had the same dream together, and then we came to this stele on a hill as if we were guided by that dream.

We touched the stele... and after a moment we were in a mysterious cave.

As we walked ahead along it...

...we came across an enigmatic door.

ANGELO: Look, Munchie is going ahead...

HERO: What happened to you, Munchie?

続きはこちら。 / The story follows to:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 27

 ゲーム本来のストーリーをなぞっているだけです。但し、グルーノの顔を「夢で見たんだっけ?」とエイトが想起している点は原作にはありません。 The story on this issue only goes along the outline of the original game story. There is no such scene in the original story, however, in which the Hero recall...



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