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*The Hero and his party come across many events. Excuse me for simplifying them; they are not deeply related to the main event of this cartoon.

前回のストーリーはこちら。/ The previous story is:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 24

 ようやく地上に出られたエイトたちです。このあとはゲームのストーリーどおりの内容が続きます。 The Hero and his guys are finally back on the ground. The following story is going to be just as the one in the original DQ8.  前回のストーリーはこちら。 / The previous story is here. 【ENGLISH TRANSLAT...

最初のページはこちら。 / The first page is:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 1

 水面下でこっそり描いている、ドラゴンクエストⅧを下敷きにした変な漫画です。 微妙に出オチ感があるかも。勘のいいひとならこの1枚めを見ただけで展開の予想がつくかもしれません。 This is a somewhat perverted cartoon derived from Dragon Quest 8. Some people may be able to assume how the story will devel...


And there happened many things after that, but let me skip the detail.


...Somehow my friends...

ANGELO: That cheese to blow out Hellfire - you know, the one you used forever ago - if we had that at hand now, it might've worked as a good attacking item.

HERO: Well, I'll not feel like being in that spurting flame again.

...remembered the cheeses that I alchemized using Yangus's dung...

JESSICA: Remember that dreadful cheese? That cheese might scare Rhapthorne and chase him away.

HERO: Well... I doubt that...

...and every time we had a battle with the bosses, the three talked about them. I think it's more than my imagination.

YANGUS: Look, Guv, Rhapthorne's got that huge... he just looks like those jailors in the Purgatory Island. They grew like balloons after eating the cheese.

HERO: Maybe he will explode when we poke him together.


embed: dragon-quest.org



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