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*This is the sequel to the previous issue: the hero and other party members are confined to Purgatory Island. This point is much the same as in the origina story in the DragonQuest8, but there is going to be the different story of prison-breaking. It will involve the cheese, of course.

And the High Priest Rolo, that dude is lovely!

The prevoius epsode is: /直前のエピソードはこちら。

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 17

 今回もチーズは登場しません。今回はストーリーが進行したことを述べているだけです。でも、状況ががらりと変わったことを述べることは大切ですから、今回のストーリーも物語の中で大事な役目を果たしているんですよ。 *In this issue, as well as the previous one, there is no cheese scene. This issue only desc...


*The hero's line, "like he did with pigeons or alligator or hippos" is a citation of Yangas's words somewhere in the game.


ROLO: Let me out!

Who do you think I am? Release us from this place at once!

YANGUS: It's two weeks since we were sent here...

And I can't stand this hunger, my tummy and back are coming close together!


HERO: We can't leave it this way, or Yangus may devour us. (like he did with pigeons or alligators or hippos)

ANGELO: How come some people get hungry under this curcumstance?

JESSICA: Wouldn't there be anything left in my bag? Anything, like biscuit crumbs.

HERO: Oh, I think I found something! It's perhaps cheese...

...But when did I make this one? If I remember it right, I had used Yangus's dung to make this...

 (letting out some weird odor)


JAILER: Whaddaya have there? Give me it right away!

HERO: Ow! Ouch! Ouch! It hurts! Please stop it!

続きはこちら。 / The next is:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 19

 前回は看守にチーズを奪われたエイト。今回は1コマしか登場がありません。  チーズはもちろん看守たちが食べてしまいます。それにしてもあらくれってどうやってものを飲み食いしているのやら。  この回は筋肉と髭をたくさん描けて幸せでした。 *In the last issue the jailor robbed Hero of the cheese, who has o...



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