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*In this issue, as well as the previous one, there is no cheese scene. This issue only describes what have happened as the story made progress. But you know, as it is important to describe that the circumstance has altered, this part plays an important role in the story, too.

The previous story / 前回のお話

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 16

 今回はチーズが登場しません。かわりに、DQ8のエンディング以降までプレイした人なら見かけた覚えのある、とある人物が登場します。 *In this issue there is no cheese. Instead, here comes a character whom you must have seen if you have played DragonQuest8 beyond the ending scenario. 直前のページ / The ...


*These scenes are the recollections of the hero, so I tried lowering the chroma distinctionally to the level I will usually never do. How do you like it? I colored it in the chroma a little lower than I generally use, then put several sorts of filters over it.


(*All the sentences are the narrations of the Hero.)

As I didn't like having the weird dreams often...

...I restrained myself from using cheese for days after that dream.

And meanwhile, many things,...

...like unexpected events and various adventures, have happened, and because of them, it completely had flown out of my mind that I still had...

...the Yangus Cheese 3rd left in my bag.

After a while, we defeated Sir Leopold in the chamber of the Lord High Priest...

...but then, due to the intrigue that Angelo's brother had machinated, the four of us, along with the High Priest Rolo, who was regarded to be the next Lord High Priest,...

...were sent to Purgatory Island.

Next: / 続き:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 18

 前回の続きで、主人公たちが煉獄島に閉じ込められます。この点はドラクエ8そのもののストーリーと同じですが、ここから脱獄する方法が変わってきます。もちろんチーズが絡んできますよ。  あとニノたんかわいい。 *This is the sequel to the previous issue: the hero and other party members are confined to Pur...



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