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*So this crazy cartoon still goes on. And here comes another cheese on the stage.

I drew the both kinds of monsters for the first time. I seldom draw kemonos & anthros.

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【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 11

 トーポがチーズを食べて吐いた炎の効果がちょっぴり見られます。抜群だったようです。  エイトの前髪が三コマ目で消滅して四コマ目で復活していますがドンマイ。 *You can peep the outcome of Munchie's cheese blaze. I believe it did work. The hero's hair on the forehead is gone in the third frame and co...


YANGUS: Wow, look how those gangs come in front of us!

HERO: Yangus, you've delivered almost the same line a while ago when we came across those Bodkin Fletchers.

HERO: I got an idea! This is the second chance for me to use one of those lately=

alchemized cheeses!

HERO: I believe I still have two pieces of them left in my bag.

Which one should I use?

The one that I've made earlier! Hey Munchie...

B O N A P P E T I T !

MUNCHIE: Squi-squeek...

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【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 13

 まだまだ続く、おかしなチーズ食わせたいエイト漫画。トーポがラリってます。  *Still goes on this perverted cartoon in which The Dragon Quest 8 Hero feels like feeding his pet mouse Munchie with crazy cheeses, eventually making him stoned out.  前のページはこちら。The previous page is: 【ENGLISH...



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