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*You can peep the outcome of Munchie's cheese blaze. I believe it did work.

The hero's hair on the forehead is gone in the third frame and comes back in the fourth frame... just don't care about it.

The previous page is shown below:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 9 & 10

 かわいい花形のチーズを平らげたトーポ君がそのあとどんな反応を出したか。その点が今回のストーリーで語られます。  今回は2ページありますよ。 *After eating a full piece of cute flower-shaped cheese, how did Munchie get activated? This is the point of the story on this issue. We have two pages on ...

If you like to read the cartoon from the first page, please click this:

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 1

 水面下でこっそり描いている、ドラゴンクエストⅧを下敷きにした変な漫画です。 微妙に出オチ感があるかも。勘のいいひとならこの1枚めを見ただけで展開の予想がつくかもしれません。 This is a somewhat perverted cartoon derived from Dragon Quest 8. Some people may be able to assume how the story will devel...


HERO: But it resulted in a strong attack against the monsters, not only to me...


HERO: I found out the Yangus Cheese 1st, the one I used now, is an excellent item as long as I use it carefully. I'll make another piece when I have a chance!


YANGUS: Guv, how come you give a cheese my name?

JESSICA: Well, I don't think I want him to use that cheese very often...



HERO: Hey, I see some guys over there...

*続き/ Next

【DQ8】新しいチーズを錬金 The alchemy for the new recipes of cheese page 12

 まだ続くこのへんなまんが。再びチーズの登場です。  モンスターはどちらも初めて描いたものだったりします。ケモノ系は普段はめったに描きません。 *So this crazy cartoon still goes on. And here comes another cheese on the stage. I drew the both kinds of monsters for the first time. I seldom draw kemo...



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