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Yumi and Tomomi's day at kindergarten was quite a hard one. Yumi learned some new pleasures, like having the teacher's cock in her ass. They both got a lot out of it. The teacher seemed to be enjoying it a lot, too. At the appointed time, the two mothers came to pick them up. Both Yumi and Tomomi had such carefree smiles on their faces that it was hard to believe that they had played with each other like adults. #the END. ========================== Thank you for your support. The total number of followers and supporters has exceeded 800. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. -------------------------------------- いつもご支援頂きありがとうございます。 フォロワー数(支援数含む)人数は800人を超えました。 心から御礼申し上げます。 ご覧いただきましたら「いいね」ポチっとお願いします。 「いいね」は誰が押したか判らないので閲覧の印としてお使いいただければ幸いです。 FANBOX内では「いいね」数はどこにも影響しないようです。 次回作までしばらくお待ちください。予定としては2/23には次回予告を公開する予定です。




"The total number of followers and supporters has exceeded 800." - Logically, you post regularly and your work is of high quality. Good continuation!


Thank you for your comment. Thank you also for your support. I can't say if the quality is high or not, as I don't know other people's work, but I always try my best. Thank you for your support.


Well deserved support, Yo-yo. Your imagination is as good as your artwork........and vice-versa. (Would rather like to see one of the 'littles' misbehaving and getting her bottom spanked.......for starters!) Thanks for all you do!


Thanks for your comments. I'm glad to hear you say so. Spanking. LOL. I like it too. But it's hard to incorporate it into the story. lol. I will consider the story.


The secret life of a kindergartener. Excellent series yoyomax


You deserve way more than 800 given how talented you are!