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Wow, the English translation in this one is very good! I barely see any typos besides one or two...still it's really good! Thanks for making this Asuna footjob artwork! Asuna knew about Kirito's foot fetish and helped make her feet sweaty and smelly for him...that's so sweet, truly best waifu for him! ^_^ The typos are small so I'll post them here. Pg. 1 Asuna: I've been told you like the smell of my feet. --- Also can I have the Japanese text for just the first page? I just like to translate a line to see how it's structured and what it means in comparison! Might help with re-structuring one of the lines since it's really good already! ^_^


pg.1 Asuna:えっ?・・・ キリト君って こーいう趣味が あったんだ・・・・ Asuna:こんな真夏の日にパンスト ブーツで一日中歩いて蒸れた 足裏の臭いが好きって言われ てしてきたけど・・どう?臭う?


Thank you! Here's the sentence re-structured. --- Pg.1 Asuna: I was sweaty from walking in my pantyhose boots all day on such a hot midsummer day. --- You can replace the line below with the one above! "Pantyhose on a midsummer day like this I walked all day in boots and got streamed." -- Oh and one more thing! You can replace the period with a question mark in this line: "You have this kind of hobby." That's all and thanks!


Let me see...ah not quite! You replace the wrong box, whoops! Now they're missing lines too! Let me help you out on what to replace my friend! You was suppose to replace this line: "Pantyhose on a midsummer day like this I walked all day in boots and got streamed" with this line: "I was sweaty from walking in my pantyhose boots all day on such a hot midsummer day."


Ah much better, thank you! Sorry if my instructions was confusing haha. Now that's taken care of, there's another thing I like to ask you about... In this line: "You have this kind of hobby." I like to ask you a question my friend about the word "hobby" in that line. Should I replace that word with "fetish" or leave it be? If you have a better word, feel free to say so and thank you!


Okay! Then you can replace the word "hobby" with "fetish" in both sentences my friend! Then...after doing that, in this sentence: "You have this kind of fetish." に置き換えてくださいピリオド(.)をクエスチョンマーク(?)


Almost there! I notice you put the question mark in the wrong place, so just move it in the previous sentence that ends with a period! It should then look like this sentence: "You have this kind of fetish?" "I didn't know you had a fetish like this." After that, you're done! =D


Oh wait I noticed one other thing, sorry! In this sentence: "I've been told I like the smell of my feet." Replace "I" with "you" and that's all...hopefully hehe.


It's...it's...PERFECT! Thank you for putting up with all this work haha, it's all good now! Now reading it, it's still very hot with how Asuna is happily making her feet smelly for Kirito and giving him a footjob! Anyways thank you! Now that I think about it...say, would be interested in trying a version difference like the last one? I'll let your imagination go for the version difference if you're interested! Otherwise nevermind, thanks and see ya!


OK. Thank you, too. Ejaculate in the discriminating version of the course. I'm going to draw it.😌