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Shion looks very lovely sitting with Rimuru while her soles are out! Though Rimuru seems to notice her soles stink heh. Thanks for making this, love the coloring and soles! I was able to understand what's happening but...the translation is very rough...so I would love to help you out with it my friend! Can you tell me what Rimuru is saying in the first sentence of the japanese version? Does he notice something from Shion?


Thank you! I'm currently reading each of the Japanese characters and understand what the first sentence is! I took an hour of researching Japanese characters and looking up the meanings of each one, then combining them and learning how it translates. I believe the translation below should work! Your welcome and goodnight my friend! ^_^ --- Something about Shion's soles (なんか、シオンの足裏) Smells... (臭うなあー) I don't mind, but... (別にいいんだ けど) It really stinks.... (すごく臭い)


Thank you. Right away. I'll fix it. From now on. If I'm not. Don't worry about it. Just tell me.(*^^*)


I can't believe you went that far! Really. I'm in your debt! I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful. My dear friend.(ToT)/~~~