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以前からリクエストいただいていた弓道女子の足コキです。 めちゃくちゃ大変でしたが袴と足袋はよく描けたと思っています。 体調の方ですが、まだ完全回復までいっていません。 良くて8割ぐらいです。 それよりも問題があって、絵の勉強のため色々見たせいだと思うのですが、顔が描けなくなりました。 かなり絶望していますが自分の絵を見直すいい機会だと思って練習し、 自分でいいと思える絵をもう一度探してみたいと思います。 つきまして来週はちょっと更新が遅くなってしまうかもしれませんが ご容赦下さい。 ※Twitterが凍結したとき用にサブ垢を作りましたので そちらで練習の様子を投稿したいと思います。 This is a foot job for Kyudo girls, which has been requested for a long time. It was a lot of work, but I think I did a good job on the hakama and tabi. As for my physical condition, I have not yet fully recovered. At best, I am at about 80%. There was a bigger problem, and I think it was because I looked at so many things to learn how to draw, but I couldn't draw "faces" anymore. I feel quite hopeless, but I would like to take this as a good opportunity to review my illustrations, practice, and try again to find illustrations that I think are good. Please forgive me if next week's update will be a little slow. ※I have created a sub-account for when Twitter is frozen and I would like to post my practice there. ※This text was translated using a translation application.   I've tried to get the message across as best I can. We hope that your reading comprehension will somehow cover this. If you use any other offensive expressions, I would be glad to note them immediately. 



b 27

Wonderful work! There is a real lack of Kyudo girls foot art, so this is a delight to see! In terms of your condition, feel free to take your time and find what you want to do with your style. Your art has improved so much already, that I have no doubts it will continue to do so in the future! 💖