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  • Newbie pt7 Parameters.mp4



Concept | 概念

Newbie Part 7! The theme this time is "Inside an armored personnel carrier (APC), serving the soldiers as they're geared up for rehearsal."

I've been looking for references for APC, and my brother happens to have model and book for APC, so this was where I began XD. Based on what I've heard, the M-113 model is particularly interesting as it was mass produced and repurposed for various usage other than for personnel carrying. The book is a recording of all the ways this model has been repurposed. 🤔

Newbie Part 7!這次的主題是「前往演習路上的裝甲運兵車(APC)內,為全副武裝的軍人們服務」

我在找APC的參考資料的時候我哥剛好有相關的模型跟書籍,於是就借來幫助構思了XD。根據我哥的說法,這台M-113挺特別的,當年被大量生產且常常被改造成運兵以外的用途,而這本書記載的就是這個型號的各種差分 🤔

However, M-113 is quite different from the APC I went on during my mandatory military service. The one I went on (iirc) was CM-34, it was seriously crowded and I would often bump my head on the ceiling (^._.^;).

Even though I don't intend to base my scene entirely on any of the real life models (as it would limit my ability to deform the scene to my liking), I would still very much want to replicate the 'feeling' of being on an APC; hence, I want to recreate the crowdedness I feel while I was on CM-34 since it was the one I had the most experience with. The focus on crowdedness should enhance the feeling of warmth, the scent, and the sense of being trapped.

但M-113跟我在當不願役的時候所搭乘的APC差挺多的,沒記錯的話,我坐的是CM-34,而我的印象是空間超擠,我的頭也常常撞到一些有的沒的結構 (^._.^;)。


Draft | 草稿

The scene has soldiers sitting facing each other as you would in real life, but I enhanced the crowded feeling by making the gap between the two columns of seats much closer to each other, to the point where you could sleep in the middle on everyone's lap (?)

The gears are of course not realistic as you would not wear tanktop and shorts to rehearsal, but hey, I like it better this way (〃∀〃)ゞ



Layer Separation | 圖層分離

Base Color | 底色

Apart from making the main character stand out, I kinda want to make the soldiers fade into the background a bit too, only the most relevant parts (such as their hands and dicks) should remain solid.


Lighting | 光影

Since the APC is in the middle of driving, allowing sunlight to come from the door is not really feasible; hence, I want to emulate the sunlight coming in from a circular roof . This also creates a spotlight effect that has a clear focal point and feels a bit more exposed 🤭.

畢竟這是台正在行駛中的APC,讓光線從打開的門灑進來不太合理,因此我想模擬從圓形頂蓋打進來的陽光。這看起來像聚光燈的光影除了有更明確的焦點以外,也更有暴露感 🤭。

Colored Draft | 草稿上色

Added another foreground to make the scene even more crowded impression-wise, but also adds more depth.

Currently the background is very standard and structural, however, having been on a real APC, I know it's usually a lot messier with random items laying around here and there; therefore, I plan to add more personal touches in the background to make the scene more alive later.



Line Art | 線稿

Rendering (Main Character) | 細修(主角)

Rendering (Side Characters) | 細修(配角)

This step alone took a few days to complete because the equipments are more time consuming than I originally anticipated, as well as the fact that I had to paint the underlying bodies for variation as well (›´ω`‹ )

這個步驟就花了好幾天才完成,因為畫裝備比我想像中的花時間,而且為了差分我還把衣服底下的肌肉全部畫出來了 (›´ω`‹ )

Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

I forgot to keep this step (〃∀〃)ゞ


Post-Processing | 後製

Draugnut's Suggestions | 爪爪的建議

@Draugnut recommended to make the cast shadows more pronounced to better indicate the lighting setup. He also said that the thighs of the big boys are a bit too thin and recommended to make them thicker. I also really liked the part where he recommended to make the knee of the main character visible for better clarity.

Huge thanks to his advice as always (。ò ∀ ó。)

@爪爪 建議我把投射陰影畫得更明顯一點,這樣光影的配置比較清楚。他也提到黑肉的大腿好像都偏細,建議我把他們的大腿畫粗一點。我也很喜歡他建議主角的左腳膝蓋露出讓畫面更好懂的細節。

非常感謝他的建議(。ò ∀ ó。)

Live2D Parameters | Live2D 參數

Newbie pt7 Parameters

This is probably my first time experimenting with camera movements in a NSFW piece. I thought it's quite suitable as they are in a moving vehicle, my only concern is that perhaps it may cause dizziness in some people, so I try to keep it relatively mild.

aaaaand that's it! It was exhausting to have to draw and animate 6 different characters xwx






多么美好的腰和PP… ꒰๑͒•̀ुꇵ͒•꒱و ̑̑




Oh dear... a bit overcrowded in there... not much to be seen ;) But I think master Sand will bring more light into this darkness...




So freaking cool! Amazing to have you back in the mix supplying us with all the hottest scenarios


We'll see about that once I finish rendering the rest of the details ;)


Thanks Jack!! I've been thinking about doing naughty things on an APC before I was even conscripted (〃゚3゚〃)


Very exciting! If being in the military was like this, I'm sure we all would sign up for life! <3




I would even miss my time there if anything sexy happened ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ




Definitely looking really nice! I wish I could be the lucky guy in there helping everyone relax xD Defibitely a great treat to see after work. I can't wait to see it finished


Ahhhh you get it! I mean, they work hard to serve their country, they definitely deserve some extra benefits (〃゚3゚〃)


I unlocked a whole new host of kinks watching your work. I now have a hard time finding stuff since all I can think of is little cute cum dumpster. Shame it is so rare!


Little cum dumpsters are the best!!! Glad to have helped you explore a new field of fetish (👍^U^)👍


He’s back and I missed it 🥺


Also, the suggestions Draugnut suggested are chef’s kiss. 😘👌😩


The Draugnut suggestion are amazing. I'm torn, I voted to have Mutou be used publicly for 7 day. But now I want a Sand character sheet Newbie Edition! I wonder how much is he a prisoner found and 'conscripted' against his will versus a slut really loving the attention given to him by all those hunky pent up soldier.


haha unfortunately I don't think I have that many materials to make a character sheet exclusive for Newbie, but as far as I know, despite resisting being a cum dump for the hunky soldiers, his body still answers honestly to how good this whole experience feels 😘


I love to imagine the soldier registered Sand. Because of this, both his family and school think he offered to help in the army for a while and no one even looking for him.