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Full Disclosure: I'm completely aware I should've been working on the Midori art for the May poll. That's totally my fault, and it's my current priority. Should be done in a day or two. It's just that when I started this as a quick doodle, I couldn't put the pen down. Recently I've been feeling totally burnt out. Not to mention, I'm completely out of ideas for fetish art. Everything I produce now just feels so generic; I've lost the spark for coming up with new scenarios / poses etc. But just drawing characters barefoot? I can be more creative and also draw what I enjoy aesthetically. DON'T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY!! I am NOT going to stop doing fetish art - that stuff's my bread & butter! I just really want to work on Triple Treat more, and I might slow down a bit with explicit fetish artwork. This kind of art gives me a lot more enjoyment, and I think I can work out a lot of my itching creativity with this, plus get more practice. This piece alone, plus that Rouge art, gave me time to practice backlighting, which has improved my cel-shading drastically. TL;DR: I'm still drawing fetish art, just gonna try more creative stuff for practice and a wider audience. ==== ATTACHED ARE 8 VARIANTS. Includes: Speed Streaks, Sonic Boom, Motion Blur. ==== Caulifla & Kale © Akira Toriyama. Artwork by Screampunk Arts.




RAR: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGbSFSEDNCItxeKxzczTxW2ZOYiUfHKc1kwyVoEwOy6PPkr9yUESq-lfevVhUj3J0uHUVHv3g6TfndWr1UOtI_tT2tj7oy40QiyxGk77Z_djUNH8PCkXIarzeFTrbEYTmbOHIBc6QY ZIP: https://mega.nz/#P!AgF-XiZNqhuwDrTrarDm-pjCe4soShW4p5hsYzQQTzpL5ULC8Rnp40I8HpdukPWOEQqNqlTtmYv5IMBUGiFBDkBflc1xDIBml2qkGWSrPj9vrqNu5UH_b9PgwQimqPqSvG-7vzSraRc Password: 31QmnvMHVS