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The Hawthornes are at their wit's end. Charlotte has blossomed into a young lady, but the hormones that make her a woman also make her a horny monster. In a devout Christian household, there is a line of acceptability that Charlie crossed a long time ago!

Beatrice, Charlie's mom, wants to get this devil out of her daughter. However, under pressure from her husband, Beatrice is going to have to try science before God. So, she's agreed to chaperone Charlie to the S.H.E. Institute to see if Dr. Vanessa can help.

Click here to sit in session with the Hawthornes and find out just how godless Charlie has been...


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P.S. Sorry this post is a little late. I was sure I posted it, but evidently not! It's been up and available on the dumbkoala.art website for Genius subs since Sunday, so I hope you all got to see Charlie and Beatrice!



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