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↓以下機械翻訳文(Machine translated text below)

.....and so, as I wrote in the summary of 2023, we will enter a period of preparation for game production for a while from here.

I would say that I am preparing for game production, or rather, preparing for the start of game production.

I am saying this in the article because I have a firm idea of what I can do, but until I get used to the tool, it will take a lot of trial and error to get it into shape, so I am not sure how long it will take before I am able to show it.

As I wrote in my 2023 summary article, I will continue to post articles reflecting the survey requests during that time, but I expect that the frequency of updates will still be much lower.

I know that I am going to say many convenient things, but I hope that you will understand these things and wait patiently.

↓2023年アンケート(The 2023 survey is ongoing.)



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