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Great..!!! I some how managed to slip in one last bunny girl... 🐇✨ This officially marks the end of my 2022-2023 training period activities. Thank you so much to everyone who stuck around until now. I hope you all had fun...! I sure had a lot of fun, learned a lot, experimented a lot and although maybe around the middle I started to get a little distracted, I did my best to polish my art more and attack all those small weaknesses that I always bug me about my drawing style. So yeah, now it's time to go back to the mine...! My commissions are officially reopened, so in the future you will start to see a lot of new projects. I hope to do my best to satisfy everyone's fantasies, I hope to put all the new tricks I learned during these months to good use... 🎩✨ I am infinitely grateful to everyone who has supported my work until now. The only way I can think of repaying your generosity is with better art and enjoying my work to the full. So let's do that, let's have fun and work hard...(・∀・)ノ




More Inori is always wonderful!


Any girl with pink hair and big boobs is always wonderful... 💕✨