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I decided to simplify the search for art for everyone, now they are all in a shared folder, now I will publish just a post with a title and a preview with a link to the shared folder.

Attention, all the old links to the art will now be unavailable, and access to the art can only be obtained from this link below

Pass from some archives: 12345


Я решил упростить всем поиск артов, теперь они все лежат в общей папке, теперь я буду публиковать просто пост с названием и превью с ссылкой на общую папку.   

Внимание, все старые ссылки на иллюстрации теперь будут недоступны, и доступ к ним можно получить только по этой ссылке ниже

Пароль от некоторых архивов: 12345





I'm having trouble understanding the link. I checked the english version of the page on yandex . com but none of the buttons seem to do anything when I click on them.


To download, simply right-click on the archive or park you want to download and click "download"


I'm sorry if it's just me, but I still don't see anything to click on. At the top left there's some links like Mail, Disk, and Documents. Below that, under the word Arts,there's 2 buttons,1 says Save to Yandex Disk, and the other says Download All. Nothing happens if I click on them. Below that, it shows a bunch of text with no links. The first part is 2021 08/23/2023 1:43 pm and the last part is SFW 23.08.2023 13:50. After that it shows the 2 buttons again, and under that it shows a link for Help. I don't know if this is just for me, or if it has something to do with any sanctions because of the war.


Look, you have to go to the folder for which year you are interested in art 2021, 2022 or 2023 (the transition is done by double-clicking LMB), after you will have a large number of archives, right-click on the archive and click the download button there


https://imgur.com/a/cIi7CkU this is how the page should look like, if it looks different or does not look like this, then use vpn, because not all vpn can work the same way in Russia due to sanctions


That's weird, I was just seeing text before, but today when I checked it again it showed actual links. I'm not sure what fixed it.