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Hey all, I just wanna fill you in on why I haven't been posting for a while.

This Monday, I had my right shoulder fractured due to an unfortunate fall during a sparring session. The pain alone kept me awake for a few days, and the medicine prescribed slowly helped numb the pain.

Thankfully, no surgery is needed and now that I've got a cast I can get back to work and continue posting soon. While full recovery could take months, that won't stop me from posting on a regular basis since all the renders set to release were premade in December.

See you all soon!




Oh dayum...get well soon! 🤞😘


Oh dear, that's unfortunate. Glad to hear you weren't hurt too seriously, though.


Thanks, Sonic🤗 it's not as bad as it could have been and I'm really grateful for it. The doc said I was lucky the gym was padded well so it helped cushion the fall and lower the impact damage.


Thnx Arty🙌 It's gonna take a while before I'm fully recovered, but at least I'm glad I'll continue releasing new content on a regular basis ^^


Oh god, I'm sorry to hear that, doesn't sound pleasant at all... I can't help myself, what kind of combat were you doing? I guess you were practicing poses for your next martial arts bundle? 😋 Jokes aside, I hope you'll recover quickly, not being able to sleep can really wear you down.


Lmao, I wish! I was doing kickboxing and the fall really wasn't a pleasant one. The slippery floors and the fact that I had bad shoes on also didn't help keep me balanced. I'm better every day, and the doctor said late February I'll be able to start with some mild training exercises once again ^^