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약간 수정사항이 있어서 다시 업로드합니다! I'm re-uploading it with some minor modifications! jpg, Psd, Clip Files ㄱ Mega : https://mega.nz/folder/fcwC1QKQ Key : lTLboc3d5OYUYocICktU5Q 블루 아카이브의 유메와 호시노를 그렸습니다! 다음 작업은 오리지널 만화의 4화입니다! 만화1편에 등장했었던 여자아이들중 두명이 등장해서 주인공의 집에 찾아온다는 내용입니다! I drew Yume and Hoshino from Blue Archive! Next work is I'll be working on the 4th episode of my original comic! In this episode, two girls who appeared in the first episode of the comic will visit the protagonist's house! 페른 섹스씬을 마저 그리려고 했는데 프리렌 야한게 금지되었나?! 싶었는데 아니라는 말도 있어서 조금 눈치나 분위기를 본다음 결정하려고해요! 괜찮은것같으면 섹스씬을 마저 이어서 그리겠습니다! I was thinking about finishing the sex scene of Fern from Frieren, but I was wondering if explicit content featuring Frieren is prohibited?! There are also conflicting statements, so I'll observe the situation and atmosphere a bit before making a decision! If it seems okay, I'll continue drawing the sex scene! 후원에 감사합니다! 그리는 속도를 빠르게 하기위해서 훈련법을 찾아서 훈련중이에요! 더 빨리 그릴수 있도록 노력하겠습니다 ⁽⁽٩( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )۶⁾⁾ Thank you for your support! I'm currently training to improve my drawing speed by finding new training methods! I'll strive to draw even faster (⁽⁽٩( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )۶⁾⁾)
