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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/6IHxGS

poll - https://forms.gle/aDfh8EdWigeaKs3T8

New day, new poll along with Kokoro's animations. Not much to say about Kokoro. Went for a 'jog in a park' sort of vibe. Since that's what that outfit always made me think of. Nothing too special, but I'm no Kokoro fan so... as for the poll, weird batch of characters I gotta say. Just the way the RNG works, sometimes. No clue who will win, but of these three there is one series that is the most popular. Whether they take it is another thing entirely.

Anyway, that's about all I've got at the moment. Hard at work on my next set, which will be quite the set. No ETA at this point, but hopefully by the end of the month.




Appreciate you doing a nude version. Keep up the fantastic work.


We require more Kokopuffs thanks


Brroooooooo Blue Mary!! Bluuuuuuuue maaaaaaary!!!


idk if Noh existed in Nioh, still prefer the Samurai Warriors ver. though. But i'll take it anyway. Still waiting for Maria to show out 🤞


Now that’s an interesting set of characters you have there. Never thought I’d see Blue Mary in a poll of yours. RNGesus do be weird sometimes. Nice animations for Kokopuff (I’m gonna use that nickname for her now thanks to you).


RNGesus is very weird indeed. Blue Mary actually got rolled because I scrapped the original roll - a Samurai Shodown character who's model was being a right pain in my ass. From one SNK to another. Funny, that. I don't even remember where I first came across the name Kokopuff, but I definitely wasn't the first. Happy to spread it, though.


You can't do this to me Lazy, first Christie loses and now you make choose between Mary and Fiorayne. RNG can be cruel.


If Blue Mary wins, are you doing her in that anime style in the poll pic or like you’ve done Mai, Cammy, and Chun Li?


We require daily Kokopuffs, she's good for our health


I like Hime-Cut, but I have to go with Blue Mary.

iAN CooG

Wonderful Kokoro, hopefully more to come <3


Nice detail with the top being transparent when Kokoro is wet from all that sweat! In fact, it's a nice detail in general, the sweat all over her body, I mean. But you DID say you went for a "jog in the park" vibe, sooo, a detail like that does seem logical.


How cruel, I live for himecuts but my heart (and vote) belongs to Fio.


Besides the poll results, nothing this weekend. But hopefully next weekend if all goes to plan. Hard at work on the next set... but also hardly working because SMT5 has me distracted. >_>

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Hmm I might give SMT5 a try too haven't really considered it since there's something else gonna distract me this weekend and I might just played a little too much P3 called it a turnbase fatigue.


I can get that. Though I find a lot of the turn based games pretty easy to just keep going with, since they don't require much effort to play. Not like, say, Elden Ring DLC which I'll be skipping for the time being. x)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Doesn't help either when you spent half of your playtime in Velvet room nothing really gonna stand a chance, I don't know about SMTV but I went through SMT 2 3 4 and nothing gonna top that in term of "wtf, how, and bullshit" moments so yeah pretty sure V got nothing on me, hope REfantazio gonna be good tho. Unlike you I'm gonna spend my time enjoying it for sure gotta taste it before all the spoiler drop in dawg.


TBH, my favorite SMT game is Strange Journey. That was, as it says on the tin, a strange journey. Enjoy it. I'll get to it eventually. Just not in the mood right now, since I'm not a Souls-enjoyer.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Ah hell nah don't mentioned that name it scared me, you either gonna get the best experience of dungeon crawling or get traumatized for life it's the latter for me. Hope you gonna enjoy it too when you eventually play, can't wait too see how peak it's going to be 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ


The trauma was part of the experience to me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) All I want out of it is Malenia 2. I genuinely enjoyed that fight.