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Another day, another poll. Later than normal, just so it didn't get buried under the daily spam immediately. Two days tends to be when 90% of the votes come in, with the remaining week being sporadic, so I think it'll work out well enough.

Anyway, Tina animations from last time. Just kind of did whatever I felt like. No POV, since with all the POV I've been doing I wanted to do something else for a change. Semi-wrestling themed, because of course. As for the poll, kind of a mish-mash of characters, but I went 'misc' with this one. Let's see who shall be victorious this time.




You are a porn god, I can’t believe the sheer amount of animations you manage to make for us. Tina is top 5 girl of all time for me so this batch is a real treat. Mouth pussy and ass all fucked! I love them all but the full Nelson is easily my favourite here… that looks so sexy for her YEEHAW!! A great day for Tina fans. Thank you very much for using her like this.




There's a neat variety of poses here I haven't seem in a long time or for the first time. I do think she should have been sweaty for all 4 of these. Glad you gave the full nelson your first proper try. Looks great and I hope there are more on the way. Me like some nice spooning as you know. But as you also must know, I have a problem with it... Great animations. So, I was going to do it... I was going to do process of elimination... but if I'm paying for my points, then I might as well use them truthfully, and not following whatever everyone else does. That being said. If I remove my voted character Kazumi. Then the 2 obvious winners here are thick girl and rope girl. My vote was going to go to whatever her name was... 4 arm girl. Forgot to even see her name before voting. And though the thick legged girl has the biggest chance at winning. I kind of already saw everything you can offer with her... not really a dislike for the character anymore. I just don't know what could surprise.


Any chance you can do nude versions of the Tina videos?


Your Ryza model is so good! I really like the anime style of rendering.


Right now, things aren't quite what I would have assumed. But, we're only 70 votes in, and I expect double that by the next post, so we'll see how things change... and I actually meant to add the sweat to all four, but I added it as I was rendering, so by the time the first on finished rendering I completely forgot to add it to the next. Whoops. And yes, no toes so spooning animation is 0/10. But, as an aside, I was just kind of wandering down memory lane after our DMC conversation and stumbled on this again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjtbXxlRHYo


While tallying up the results, I saw someone say "MINI RANNI" and I was like "surprised there's nothing jar related". Then yours pops up. smh


It... would be nice if you could render them again with the sweat on... idk, that's kind of what's missing from this animations. Not only because segs, but because they be wrestling. So...pretty...please...?? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Toes blue balling today is extreme. The poll animation kind of balances it bot you went a bit aggressive with Yuffie and the possibility of making that spooning animation my favorite of the bunch! And yo, what's that game? There are some intense crossovers there.


I might do that today. Just kinda being lazy today. Didn't sleep great. It's not totally intentional. Just a biproduct of the poses and what not. Project x Zone 2, a 3DS game crossing over Capcom, Bandai Namco, and Sega(with Fire Emblem in there too for some reason). It's like a strategy RPG game, I think? Never played it myself, but I've seen a little bit. It's even got Segata Sanshiro in it, which is just like... wat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B01T-nehgOs&list=PL-FL1dAZFXqojvw-kQAzidnL-etAoaPU8&index=1


Seeing a character you really like in a poll with an Elden Ring girl. Oof. Good luck Thighza o7


Hmm... I'm not much of MvC fan because it looks too intense. But I wonder if Capcom will try again after SF6. Not really for the Marvel and Capcom interaction, but between Capcom characters. So much Capcom goodness has happened since then. It could be interesting seeing their RE Engine designs instead of their classic ones. Or RE Engine designs for characters yet to be portrait in RE Engine!!! I slept fine, I fell asleep with your last comment yesterday, so thankfully I concluded that talk before X3. Waked up to gave it a like 2 hours later tho. That would be sweet. So common, convince me for a little bit. What have you left to do with thigh girl that you haven't done or want to do? Because I'm prepared for her to win, but I can't imagine anything worth the repeat. Could a foot job sell me? Don't know... you haven't done an anime footjob yet or shown much of barefoot anime. So idk... Either way, stay away from that outdoors background. That would make it 40% better already X3.


I'd honestly prefer a "Capcom All Stars" game at this point over another MvC. I mostly played Capcom characters in MvC3 anyway, so it wouldn't matter much to me anyway. And DMC3 Dante was a lot of fun, but DMC5 Dante might have potential to be even more fun(and more broken, but let's not talk about balance right now). I have some ideas for Ryza, but I won't give them away or what not. Don't know if she'll win or lose, and I don't want to potentially swing things one way or the other by saying "I might do this pose".


I see... my vote was for Kazumi, but... I'd want Ranni to win if she doesn't . I honestly didn't see the way you were using the 4 arms the first time a saw her animations, until recently. And I'm interested in seeing what you could do today. I'd love to just see Tekken girls in your style. Zafina didn't really satiate that feeling. And now that you're doing the BDP format with the polls, they have increased in value. I also want to see if you'll ever add finishers to these or any sort of extended 4th animation.


Honestly, I probably wouldn't do much in terms of utilizing four arms. The model and rig of Ranni isn't mine, so it's different than what I'm used to and so it takes longer for me to do things with it than my own stuff. I actually debated yeeting her from the poll and replacing her, but I figured by the time I start animating these, I'll be done with the project so I'll be a bit more 'free' to do something I'm less comfortable with. We'll see how I feel after the project is officially done. I just wasn't in the mood to add another finisher on top of the ones I was already working on.


I mean the arms all 4 arms don't have to be doing anything. Just positioned in a way that would look cool or hot. I understand, maybe you'll even extend one of the animations in here or one of Rukia's if you decide to have finishers in the future. Also I just noticed, there's some obvious levitating in the spooning animation. They're noticeably off the floor.


She is off the floor, but that's because she's being semi-lifted. Her supports are her thigh and the arm looped under her arm. He's partially off the ground, but only because his waist goes in somewhat. I couldn't get it to work with them 'flush' against the ground without egregious clipping.


She definitely has to use some force to stay straight in the air like that still. But it's nothing major. Something I wanted to bring up just in case. The only problem need fixing is the sweat. ♡(。- ω -) Hope you have time today. I'm here doing my best to finish RE1. Had to pause my DD playthrough to finish this. Can't have 2 old timers at the same time. Especially when one of them makes me look up things on the internet to progress..... A slog... They are right... remake the Remake, it doesn't hold up anymore compared to modern RE.


You are not not just an animator to me, you are a great animator with really great ideas. I get really excited when I see an email from you, There have been a great amount of HOLY SHIT moments for me in your anniversary series so far, and one today when I saw not 1 but 4 tina treats! Having a lovely 3D treat can sometimes start the day off well, or make an evening that little bit better. You have given me many smiles and things to enjoy Keep up the epic work. Thank you.


Good stuff, now I have the exclusive non sweat version. Is gonna sell millions in a couple years. ♡(。- ω -) And don't, I'm almost done. This game is a we bit over rated. Might be my zoomer mentality tho. I was going to skip the OG RE4 in my RE journey because it would feel really awkward to go from 2R, 3R then back to janky 4 to back to modern 4R then 5. But I'll see how I feel... It will be a Rollercoaster of emotions.


Just know that I was gonna call you a zoomer before holding my fingers. Like I'll be the first to admit I don't particularly like the classic tank control, fixed camera angle RE games, but I'm not asking for them to be remade to suit my preferences. Because if you re-remake it, twenty years from now whatever comes after zoomers will be whining about how it's not up to their standards and will be asking for it to be re-re-remade.


Is the cycle of life.... But if recent games are a sign, people will be asking modern games to be remade instead of old ones....


Everything will be remade, because that's the 'safest' option for most companies at this point. Can't risk making something new that DOESN'T do well vs remaking something that did well and will probably do well by proxy.


Not a fan of Tina AT ALL but that model is incredible from a fidelity standpoint.