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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/1X2LmF

I didn't have anything in mind when making Yotsuyu's picture. I just know she's nuts and shares a similar look to a number of other characters.

Nothing really to say about Yotsuyu's animations. I have no personal connection with the character, so I don't have much else to say.

Hint - A bit kooky.




*Clicks link* Well damn... I wonder who it could be... You're doing bad Lazy-sama, try harder. They're getting it. Beginning log. Adult first- BJ, very simple, common pose. The next pose, also very common. The reverse one is cool, 2nd time seeing it. Not as good, that skirt must be clipping all its way to hell. Headless-chan must be fucking her skirt. Still, boob squeeze, pretty neat. The crossed legs finish. Very common too, but her getting comfortable for the end was cool. Looks great with the dress off. Shame we only saw that body once. Overall pretty good. Tifa can look pretty cute sometimes, and it's a shame we didn't saw much of her from you. But is a decent send of to big breasted Tifa. Now, for her "in the border of teen" iteration of Tifa. But first, a word from our sponsors!


Ofc Tifa gets 2 videos


Hmm, not a fan of loli, but the other one, that’s fine.


certified LP banger 🐐 these 2 vids might me my most favourite ones so far 🙌🥴


Neaw!! T.T. A rarity in the webs, there have been some and she's teen enough to not be sketchy for people. She looks great (unsurprisingly) hope you were okay. Love the color of her clothes and her high sandals. Let's begin. BJ- great motions, love the eyes, at least the color. Next pose is the type I like. Holding the legs, feet visible, spread. Perfection for me! Love the facials. Now who else saw the detail on the 3rd... that pussy grab though... HOT DAMN!! Very sexy pose too. Exudes experience...! But headless-chan, please mind your head.... Lastly, the last one. Wonder who she learned that pose from....?? It is the same room... Anyways, not much to say other than great. Nice knees. If we got to see grown Tifa naked body more. I would say that both of these delivered. But, young Tifa takes the win today. Good job today Lazy-sama And FUCK YOU to the one who guessed Tifa last minute... I'm already on my way... (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ) Ending....log..... (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)(ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)(ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ) You can't hide.

Chanko Stew

I guessed Tifa but for completely wrong reasons. Only today i realized that it's actually her birthday lol. For tracking purposes, does Tifa count as two characters for the final tally? Are we at 12/28 or at 13/28?


Now, I got a fun idea for a fun image. Something like ghost girl playing games. But with Young Tifa and Young Luna together. I know that ps4 has been there multiple times but.... it does feel like Luna's scene and Tifa's are connected. And idk... Gaming time with Tifa x Luna sounds fun... (。- ω -) Unless head mushy.... And that image at the top gives me Goro Majima vibes. She just needs a snakeskin jacket, an eyepatch and a knife and she's set.


The next one is Rikku, because I want it to be and have no idea about the hint.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

To this day I still don't get why they doesn't make younger Tifa with a slightly different face like what's the difference between them, it's just make her head looks big compared to the body.


Glad to see another of my favorite girls joining the show, especially together with her younger version, in which she looks more innocent and cute. Personally I'd like to see more of her videos 'coz she sure deserves it, although she'd already become too popular nowadays. Honestly, I have to say that Tifa's gonna always have a place in my heart.


Finally the GOAT


Tifa getting married to a nice Italian Senator? :P That fingering pose was awesome!


More Teen Tifa.


The last position for Teenfa is gorgeous, an epic pussy pounding , yummy.


Hint: Chocolina. (I can't think of anyone else.)


happy birthday !! Lockhart, and also happy birthday to myself.


Only one. And I was very upset by your guess because it was only half correct lol. If I was just a little bit saltier, I wouldn't could it. x)


Surely Gilgamesh

Chanko Stew

If that was a thing then one should always just drop a dead pan guess to avoid the awfully specific risk of getting a correct guess with incorrect reasoning while Lazy has a bad day. Also dont you think i still deserve this point if only for literally checking all the dates of your sets on pixiv to find a character that appears once per year <.<


I already said I'd count it, lol. But the fact no one got the date connection shows that Tifa fans aren't fans at all. I'm always getting Aerith fans bringing up her birthday every late January/early February, but Tifa fans can't even get the freebie. smh (≖ ͜ʖ≖)


Three more correct guesses to go. Also, I've got really nothing to talk about in regards to Tifa, hence why I didn't really respond to your post.

Chanko Stew

You attract more Aerith fans with your output. Tifa fans all jumped ship when you put her in B Tier.


No, I get it. You did good, Is all you need to know. Helped me start the day on a brighter note actually, for as long as it was. And because of staying awake till 12 yesterday talking about ye olden days. I was actually almost late for work X3. But Tifa and you helped me wake up from my daze so thank you. Doesn't it suck when someone guesses last minute X3? I actually thought Tifa's birthday was yesterday. Or the day before... otherwise I would have actually guessed it. And kept it for myself. Are you actual saving Lightning for last if they get it. Or release it immediately? Making them wait is kinda fun though....


Sure, but there's definitely Tifa "fans" lurking. She's been one of the most requested since this thing started, so it's not like they're not around.


It'll happen once every character is released, instead of when the correct guesses are all in. I also might 'hold onto it' for a little depending.

Chanko Stew

I feel them actually, i like your Tifa model more than the ones that are usually floating around. Also not many big fat cow bodytypes in FF so it's a nice change in that regard.


Yay.... can't wait to survive this trial and get Lightning as a reward...!! Yyyyay...! Hold onto it, huh....??? You're not laying your dirty hands on her, are you??? (≖ ͜ʖ≖)


There's no way I'd hold onto it so I can further blue-ball Lightning fans while I devise a way to further troll them. Absolutely not. I would never.


No, no! Never...! That's not at all what I meant. I didn't implied it even. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Couldn't do that to our dear participants.


Good. Seems we're on the same page here. There will absolutely be NO FURTHER TROLLING against Lightning fans. Absolutely none whatsoever. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Chanko Stew

Cant please everybody i guess. I for one am glad that you stick mostly to canon proportions.


Damn has Tifa gotten thiccer? I kinda prefer her with the 6-pack. I don't know why kooky makes me think of Terra.


I definitely take some liberties here and there, but I try not to stray too far. I also struggle with Tifa because she has one of the weirdest faces. Depending on the lighting, it can look completely different. She requires a lot of finagling.


Yes, of course Lazy-sama....!!! Everything is just as you say...Yes. Absolutely none! Yes! \(º □ º l|l)/


Now that we're aware that nothing strange or trollish will happen in regards to Lightning... let's talk about hypothetical trolls that could happen if I were to do such a thing. [not really - just thought it'd be funny to end it in such a way. x)]


I'm going to rikku for tomorrow, but i don't know why :p


You'll kinda see what I mean with the picture tomorrow. Doesn't look much like Tifa to me, but I wasn't gonna mess with getting the lighting just right for one of these images. x)


Whatwillherdingussizebe- So yeah...!! About that Quake...!! (↼_↼).....(→_→).....


I'll go with Yuffie for the next one


I could never get into twitch shooters. If I got tired of dying immediately in the 10 matches of a couple CoDs I've played. Then imagine these type of games... While people where twitching I was playing Age of Empires, a "truck simulator" I saw yesterday night, Delta Force, Swat 3, Heretic, Doom.... Some disk that a friend gave me with a lot of... web porn games when I was like 5 or 7.....


I loved Age of Empires, too. Especially Age of Empires 2. Honestly, the fact that they 'remade' AoE2 and are giving it new civilizations and updates at this very moment is wild to me, but also something I'm happy about. But I got pretty good at UT99. Not amazing or anything, but I vastly prefer that fast paced twitch shooter style of FPS over the bland CoD style.


The one I played in my innocent childhood was AoE1 then in my second generation I played some 2 and a lot of 3. After all this time I learned that people where indifferent of 3.... I loved that game honestly. Specially the ship battles, at the time I thought it was so cool how it looked.


AoE3 was alright. It looked nice, but it just felt... different somehow. Wasn't quite as fun as AoE1 or 2 for me, but it might have just been me kind of losing interest in RTS games at the time. But I played a ton of AoE and AoE2 back in the day. Also enjoyed Empire Earth, mostly because you could go from cavemen to futuristic mechs and shit. Silly, but fun. Rise of Nations was also pretty good as far as RTS go. Funnily enough, I never got into Star Craft or Warcraft. I did enjoy Warcraft 2's demo, though I barely remember it at this point.


I did play some Empire Earth game in my 2nd gen. Maybe 3. And yes that was also the appeal for me. I was also gifted Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 by a friend from school. At the time I was saying deep inside... "what the fuck is this...?" But when I played it I genuinely enjoyed it. Again... I had and still have no knowledge of previous games. But an old strategy game I played in my infant years was this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YhatT18P8Uk&pp=ygUrY29tbWFuZG9zIGJleW9uZCB0aGUgY2FsbCBvZiBkdXR5IG1pc3Npb24gMQ%3D%3D The first mission and a bit of the second is all I remember of this game, because I could never beat the second mission. But I played this game a lot


I never got into the C&C series, but I appreciate it if only for that one scene with Tim Curry. It's honestly a series I've thought to try a few times, but I think I have to have an EA account to play it now and I'm just like.... nah. Ah, I remember Commandos. Never played much of it, but I do remember briefly playing it at one point. Might have just been a demo, but I remember being somewhat confused since I was used to the whole "base building" thing whereas that was more a stealth game. I do remember thinking it was cool, though.


Commandos 2 is on console. Won't give me the same nostalgia feeling but. One day I might just try it. So yeah, since I don't have a great memory of my first generation of PC gaming. Let me show some of them. This is a game my dad LOVED to play. I was a dumb kid so I was only ok at it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Y1W0k6JNc&pp=ygUQcmVjb2lsIHRhbmsgZ2FtZQ%3D%3D A view through the comments show that I'm not alone. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8g6f8tIRkLs&pp=ygUVa2luZyBvZiB0aGUgcm9hZCBnYW1l This is the game I found last night. I'm still not quite sure if this game is a simulator, a racing game, or truck combat game.... regardless, as a child I would role-play while playing this game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TcWJXoJYvYo&pp=ygUSaGVyZXRpYyAyIGdhbWVwbGF5 I played some of the first too, wich was a Doom clone. But I think thus might have been my first 3d adventure game. My brain hurts trying to extract more memories. So those are the "weird" one I can share.


I remember seeing Heretic 2 a couple of times back then, but I don't think I've ever seen those other two. But the second one certainly looks better than Big Rigs. x)


I'm guessing Fang just for the sake of it at this point


The other memories of that time was playing whichever Tomb Raider game has the mansion. Again... mostly just playing pretend because I had no clue what to do.... I do remember my console game memories. I'm pretty sure I had an NES since I played lots of the OG Mario and a shit ton of Contra with my dad. I also remember some Teenage Ninja Turtles fighting game.... I also remember my brother giving me his N64 sometimes and I would play Mario 64, starfox, and Banjo Kazooie. That's as much as I remember of my kid gaming days. Oh, actually remember playing Virtua Cop 2 on PC with my brother. I don't remember the game having music, so yeah... don't know where I got access to all this games or who gave them to me. But they were all pretty much pirated.... I played Doom without sound effects.... is kinda weird realizing "oh yeah, these games have music...."


I think all three of the first Tomb Raider games had the mansion. But it wasn't until TR2 that the mansion also had the butler, who'd follow you everywhere you go and could be locked in the freezer. Which is a thing a lot of people did, if YouTube videos of it are any indication. x) But it's fun to walk down memory lane and reminisce about them old games from time-to-time, eh? I honestly don't play a lot of the old games I used to play, since a lot of them either are a pain to get running in this day and age, or just... weren't that good. But it's just comfy to remember those times. I do vaguely remember a TMNT fighting game, but what I really remember is Turtles in Time. That's actually a game I remember playing in an arcade once upon a time.


I didn't known what the internet was at the time. And even my small brain child self, went and locked that butler on the freezer.... why?? Why do we do that...?? He follows you yes, and quite honestly, I was scared of him, he was creepy and the sound of him approaching my position was kind of unnerving... I might start watching playthroughs of those games to go to sleep to go down memory lane.... Will save my 2nd gen PC gaming memories for another time. Just wanted to have some fun going back to my childhood. I even remember going to someone else's place and seeing a kid playing some game with a guy in a funny colored shirt walking and driving around a city and around an airport. My dumb kid brain being hyped by seeing planes up close on a game. I would then realize in my 2nd gen years later that, that game was actually Vice City.... I miss having a smoll brain that was impressed by every little dumb thing....


Just one of those curiosity things. The sort of "is it possible?" thing, since it's not something we'd be "allowed" to do outside of a video game. And the fact that there's no consequence just means it amuses the pea brain of a child. If the butler ended up frozen and dead, with a dramatic scene following it... it would have caused some severe trauma, to be sure. x) Yeah, there are just some things that will blow you away when you're young, but will not move your adult's cold, cynical heart a single iota. I can't really remember the last time I was impressed by a game in the same way as when I was a youngin'. The joys of growing older. x)


I just found it amusing at the time how I would go as far away from him as possible, hide in a room, and just hearing him approaching. "How did he find me!!? And how did he get to me!!?" My smoll brain exclaimed. And yeah, nothing will give you that sense of wonder anymore. At least that doesn't happen to me anymore. Cyberpunk was really close, since I actually dreamt with that game many times before release, and my mind was overflowing with hope. And look how that turned out.


Butler had that tracking game down pat. I can't find myself getting hype for games anymore, but it's honestly better that way. I go into games with no expectations, so I can more often than not be pleasantly surprised by the experience. Better than hyping myself up and being disappointed. I'm not completely dead inside, but I've been burned too many times from getting excited about a game only to be let down that I can't find it in my heart to really get excited about an upcoming game anymore.


I wish I had that power, but as someone who follows streamers and journalists who do reactions, it is really hard to not get involved on the hype. There has been some great games this year and the previous. But I don't remember being overly hyped for a game in a long time.... People just play something, sing their praises and move on the the next. Already, I have to remember myself that RE4R came out.... is that bad. Nothing last too long anymore. So why get hyped for a week long experience that will vanish afterwards...? I get excited, sure... but the hype is just gone. Especially when I see people hype games that come out broken, bad, and unfinished. And even if it's good. People are gonna find something to bitch about and make controversy of it... wich kills the hype completely. I used to not watch anything of a game till I finish it. Maybe I should practice that more again. And that was my Ted Talk.


I've mentioned before, but I don't really follow 'gaming news' or anything like that. I'll just kind of randomly see something is coming out or whatever when I open Steam or YouTube. But yes, things basically just come and go at a much faster pace than it used to be. It's the social media cycle, where a lot of people's attention spans are lower than even mine and need something NEW every other day. And where conflict and controversy seems to be the only thing they can get off to. It's why I don't partake in most social media, because it only leaves me feeling miserable. I'll just play the games I want to play, when I want to play them. I only ever got around to playing through Cyberpunk this January, and if anything I was disappointed by the lack of funny glitches that were there on launch. I kind of enjoyed trying to call my car only to see it fly over my head randomly. Or turning my back to a small car and turning back to see it replaced with a big truck. Or...


I never owned a game as broken as Cyberpunk. Maybe GTA Online when it first came out. But even though I realized CP was going to be a glitchy hell, I went through that game with all the intent of enjoying it. That 30fps blurry mess on PS4 pro, and i did. But most of the time I loled on that game were to the ridiculous glitches and bugs. Not laughing in a "Oh God, this so funny is fun" way. But in a constant face palm "Jesus Christ... XD....what happened.... CP, what happened...?" I just learned that the new zelda is coming real soon. But I'll just wait... I don't want to get mixed up in the overhype or drama that the game will cause. I'll buy that game and play it while everyone is talking about some other announced game. Perhaps this comfort space is why I'm enjoying playing old games more than new ones. Where the only opinion I hear are mine.


CP2077 was very glitchy, but I never had any major problems with progressing in that game at launch. Bethesda games are usually broken in major ways on launch, like actual progression problems resulting in having to reload really old saves to avoid the problems. And they also usually have plenty of glitches on top of that. But that was my limited experience with CP2077 at the time, so there might have been some progression bugs too. But I have a fascination with games breaking apart at the seams and seeming as though they're held together with glue and masking tape. Can't really explain it.


When most of the patch notes are "Fixed an issue in (intert mission name)" then there were plenty of progression problems. Idk remember if I came across one. Now, I agree with seeing games brake being fun. But only when is a game I don't care about or one that I didn't spend $60 on. (´-ω-`)


I remember doing quite a few side quests and main quests on my first attempt and had no issues. But when you've got a lot of dialogue options and one or two different paths, I can imagine there's a lot of avenues for it to break. I'll be honest. I only bought CP2077 because of the glitches. It seemed like a gold mine for it, so I didn't want to pass it up. x)


Thicc Tifa and Smol Tifa!!!


Man, puberty hit Tifa like crazy huh? One day she's a teen with itty bitty tiddies, and next she's got the stacked polygon pillows we all know her for. I don't have much to say about Tifa(s) either, other than that she finally dropped. Good for her! She wasn't cut from the project! I also have no personal connection to Yotsuyu, but she's pretty hot so that's neat. She got those crazy eyes in the last anim, so can I guess her for the hint of kooky also? Part 2 let's goooo.


Puberty hits some people like a truck. Knew a kid who hit puberty, and within a month his beard was full enough that he could do a full on wizard beard. Weirdest fucking thing. The rest of us were all tufts of facial hair while he could do the full Duck Dynasty look. I mean, I COULD do a part 2 using her 'memory loss' version. But I won't. x)


I remember you being adversive towards doing Tifa stuff because she looked like someone you know, so it felt awkward. So I have to ask... Did it feel any more awkward doing a younger version of her, or about the same, or even less? I don't know why, and I can't explain it, but Iris's name just popped into my head. So let's just go with that.


It's actually less for that version of Tifa than the normal one, weirdly. And overall, the feeling has kind of faded with time and what have you... but I'm still not interested in Tifa. x)


One day your voice cracks for the first time, the next you’re singing Bass in the high school barbershop quartet. Puberty just one of those crazy things. I do remember a kid getting a beard much earlier than everyone else for my school as well, and it looked so bizarre. Looked like the 40 year old janitor going to Spanish 1 class. Meanwhile girls just get back problems ;) Just make an excuse and say you also had a memory loss and forgot you did her, so you did that form as well. Boom, one step closer to 64!! Did that form look different as well, or just act? I stopped FFXIV before then


She doesn’t have the crazy eyes when she has amnesia….but when she gets her memory back they get even cray cray…. She looks like a normal waifu in memory loss mode…😀


That's the most disappointing thing I've heard today x_x


yes, more Tifa stuff please! :)


Excellent work!!