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Was gonna save the survery results for later, but it's slowed down enough that I figure it's fine. Regardless, gonna talk about the animations for Cindy + April Fool's Characters, as well as my original idea/ideas for it and how it morphed into the whole Anniversary project we have now.

My 30 second wrench looks great, doesn't it? Anyway, Cindy's animations aren't anything particularly special, but I do like how they came out. And the lighting in the motel definitely helps, but overall my opinions of Cindy aren't any different than they have ever been. Very... "whatever" for me.

So, before I get into the April Fool's characters, a little preamble. This whole project started as a troll. It was originally gonna be a post on April 1st on my Pixiv as normal, with Lightning being the character featured. It'd then lead to a video I talked about a while ago of a person sitting at a computer, downloading the video only to get Rick Rolled. It'd then have a link on screen that leads to a CYOA game where you go through a dumb story written by me, and depending on your choices it'd lead to a different 'Maiden' at the end of it all. The goal, of course, was Lightning. But depending on your choices, it'd lead to other characters. At the start, it was gonna be all "Lightning" variations. Essentially different forms of what became "Lotinging". There'd be one with no face at all. There'd be one with black and purple checkboard textures, another with messed up UVs. Even had the idea to have the Garry's Mod "ERROR" model show up for one with the POV character acting confused and trying to make it work out somehow. That was my original idea.

Then, as I started to route the actual CYOA, I realized I'd need more. And simple duplicates felt... lame. So I started to think about adding actual characters. Serah was added, then I had the idea to have Serah but with Lightning's hair. Then I started adding other characters, like Vanille and Fang, then Yeul and Lumina, etc. etc. I basically decided to add every XIII female character I could, but then it spiraled out of control as I realized there are a lot of Final Fantasy characters in general I'd prefer to animate before Lightning. And with how it grew to 64 characters - with some troll picks - it became less a troll against Lightning and more just a Final Fantasy bonanza that I retooled into becoming an Anniversary idea. But in the process, I had a thought that actually made me laugh out loud: what if I removed Lightning entirely and just put in "Lotinging"? This was when it was still a CYOA, of course, with only 'one-run' per person(account), so there'd be great anticipation for Lightning to be found... but there'd only be a fucked up version of her instead. It amused me, but alas it wasn't meant to be. It's still technically true of this event, but she will be featured at the end in all her normalcy if people guess correctly enough on the following releases. 22/61, with 22/36 of the currently released characters, so it's not too many more.

Anyway, without further ado. Let's talk about the April Fool's characters.

The Cup Noodles God using his signature attack: Unlimited Cup Works.

Gladio was included because of that one poll/survey I had after Halloween that asked about Lightning. There was a joke option of "Gladiolus when" and it had 11 votes. It had to be done - my hand was forced, after all. I did, at the start, briefly consider replacing him with Snow. I was even gonna make my life easier by having Serah and Snow be a 'double-feature' so that I could just use the POV of Serah for the animations, but that's too cowardly. Still chickened out and didn't do a proper finish, which shall be my eternal shame. These were the only animations I struggled with in this entire set, and that I will partially admit is due to the rig. My normal rigify method DID NOT WORK with Gladio. I spent several hours troubleshooting, trying all the things I usually do when something doesn't want to rig properly, and NONE of them worked. Kept getting that "Bone Heating Failed" or whatever when I tried to automatically assign by bones, and I wasn't about to manually weight the damn bones myself. I was gonna hang up my hat on including Gladio at all, but I had an older method of rigging that is janky but works... so I was using that old method, and animating is a little more difficult than it is with new ones. But enough about Gladio.

I know some people have this idea there's a "Lazy Cinematic Universe", and that everything I've made is interconnected with lore and what have you. Well, I'm here to tell you this fusion dance is 100% canon, no cap fr fr. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense, it's REAL.

Honestly, this is just because I once said that I like Luna so much that "if there was a super old version of her, I'd do something with her too". So, I made it myself. Fun fact, this is just normal Luna with a slightly adjusted facial structure and textures from Camelia from the same game. All I need to do is turn off the face shape edit, and restore the old textures and it'll be back to normal. Which I plan to do as a bonus after this is over and I go back and "remaster" them with possible 4k versions and what have you. So, for those of you who really hated Elderfreya, and weren't fan of the anal aspect of normal Lunafreya, you'll get those animations in a normal form. They are all remakes of Lunafreya animations that I've done before, but still.

Yes, Hope was the very first character I teased when I first began hinting at my "Big Dumb Project". The idea that people would be wracking their brains, trying to guess who it is while it's really just Hope was funny to me. Sorry, not sorry.

The reason Hope was added was because of an interaction that almost happened(on several occasions). Since the Tumblr days, I've been asked about Lightning animations. And, being me, I can be a snarky, smarmy piece of shit at times, but I rein it in as much as I can since it's rude. Well, I got asked "can you do Lighting" and I straight up wrote "I'd sooner do Hope" before holding the backspace, taking a drink and thinking on how I can respond in a polite way. Gave my tried(though new at the time) response of "I'm not a big fan of Lightning, so it's probably unlikely to happen", but that Hope line is something I increasingly wanted to use the more I got asked. So, money where the mouth is. Pretty easy, honestly. I was never on the hate bandwagon for Hope, but I also wasn't a fan of him either. He just was. And besides, people are like "Fuck Hope" anyways, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She's sexy and she knows it. Pure sex. My Goddess! (♥ω♥*) [whatever you feel from this comment is what I feel when people talk about Lightning like this]

Like I mentioned above, I had a lot of ideas for Lightning's 'alter-egos', but this was the simplest one to do which is why she won the battle royale. I did briefly consider removing her face like I did with those models in the ghost video I did, but that's annoying to do so I just went with this. Better, honestly. I did animate everything as 'normal Lightning', so I just have to remove the face modifications in the same way as Luna, so it's a simple matter of restoring her to normalcy. Why people would want that when you have such a perfect specimen I don't know, but it will happen.

Kaine isn't amused by my bullshit.

I've actually been asked to do Kaine for a while now. I was planning to have a 'canon' version and a 'non-canon' version for her all ready to go, but when I was 'surgically attaching' the cock and balls to her model, a procedure I do not do on the regular, I reflexively Ctrl + S'd and didn't have a backup. I just went forward with her technically 'canon' version. All I really need to do is the same procedure in reverse, which isn't hard... just tedious. But it will happen eventually for those that care. I mainly threw her in here as a relatively 'normal' character, but not everyone is into it so plausible deniability on April Fool's.

Lumina sucks.

Marle, my last April Fool's character. I'm honestly into it, so the sheer revulsion a lot of people had is funny. Threw her in again for old time's sake. At this point, she may become my April Fool's staple, as SuccubIris has become my Halloween staple. We'll see. Either way, nothing terribly special in way of animations.

Alphinaud was the last character added. His 'slot' was originally gonna be Sadu from the same game, but her Au-Ra scales were giving me nightmares trying to transfer them onto the body I use, especially since they 'end' at the underwear meaning I'd have to make the rest myself. Worse still, the way XIV does colors made her head scales not match up with her body scales and I was getting way too frustrated after a week long on/off process of trying to get all of these things to work. This was around the time Alisaie got released, and a lot of people brought him up and were like "was worried for a second." Figured I'd give those people a fright. Or not. Plenty of "close enough" responses.

As for Sadu, I regret to say she isn't in. Nor is Yugiri for the same reasons. They'll be on the backburner until I can figure out the textures issue. I'd like to do both, honestly, but I am suck with textures.

As for the survey, it's been a little interesting. I'll quickly run through the first few things, since they're a bit less interesting to me and more or less what I predicted.

Kind of what you'd expect of your fanbase/audience.

Honest, I would say. I've been pretty consistent, but there are a few that definitely stand out as better/worse, imo. But it's not a huge difference at the same time.

I'd probably say it's a 3 or 4 here, but y'know how it is.

Seems about right, I'd say.

Not much to say.

Shorties win out, but the wedding dress is more popular than I'd have expected. Was honestly expecting the apron to do better. But it might be a '2nd choice' sort of option for a lot of people.

But now, let's move onto the more interesting part. The 'favorites' and 'least favorites' of this whole thing. I think some of these aren't too surprising.

Aerith tops the chart, which in a way implies I peaked at the start and it was only downhill from there. I don't really agree with that, of course - Aerith is middle of the road for me in terms of the animations, but admittedly this is more of a 'character popularity contest' than it is an actual critique of the quality of the animations per character. At least that's how I take it, since let's be real here... of all the characters I've released so far, Aerith is definitely the most popular among them. Then Luna follows, since my core audience definitely likes my Luna content even if she herself isn't on the level of popularity of Aerith. I think Kyrie will be a surprise for some, but I've always noticed that my Kyrie content does really well so I'm not terribly surprised she's popular among my fans. Plus, I also think that set was really good in general - one of my own personal favorites. Gentiana is also popular among my audience, and another pretty good set, albeit not quite as good as Kyrie's personally. Nayo also proving to be popular once again. Still don't know why outside of my own work there is so little with her. I think too many people view her as 'discount Tifa', when she really isn't... but what can you do. I think the only slight surprise here is Ryne, but I chalk that up to XIV being popular, and her apparently being a popular character(if request count counts) and there being very little content of her so this is like giving food to someone starving. Still don't like those animations, though.

Serah's set isn't that great, but she is the better of the sisters so her being that high up is acceptable. Scarlet's, though, I do think is quite good. One of the better ones, personally. Cindy... conflicted, because I do think the set is nice, but I don't care for her. That said, I feel she is the most popular of the XV characters(in general, not necessarily people who follow me), so not too surprising.

To avoid going play-by-play for everyone, the rest are kind of to be expected. Obviously, this is all purely subjective, so I can't really say anything is surprising or unsurprising since my own feelings would paint these things for me. I will, however, say that Jessie's Mom being lower than Jessie herself is a crime. Sorry Jessie fans, but her mom is just better. Gaia is another Ryne situation, though I think the set is better personally. Fran is also lower, despite the animations being basically the same and honestly better animated than Jessie's. Beyond that, Kaine being on par with or better than a good chunk of characters is funny. She even beat out the only real 'normal' character in that April Fool's bunch. And then Hope beating out Alyssa is endlessly amusing to me. If she didn't want to stop existing before, she probably would now. Can't think of a bigger L if I tried. That said, Lotinging beating Marle, and Gladiolus being on par with Marle, might be the funniest thing overall if not for the fact that it's a travesty. Some people just can't handle a GILF.

Now, as for the least favorites, I'd say there's no huge surprises in the top 6. Gladio is too much man for most to handle, so I get it. That said, the fact that old Luna was less liked than the Lightning trolling is mildly surprising. Some people just can't appreciate an old lady. SMH. And while Hope and Alphinaud might be tied, there's inconsistency there. Some people hated Alphinaud's, some people hated Hope's, but only a few hated both at the same time. I guess that's just some people's honest takes. However, once again... Jessie's Mom being that high up on the least favorite? If I didn't have those trolls, she'd be the top least favorite. And that is unacceptable. Shame on you. Unless your plan was for me to make a second set with her after this project is over and done with, then good job because I'm gonna do it now. Queen Jayne, too! I will not stand for this! These results are bullshit! It's bullshit! Everybody betray me! I am fed up with this worl! (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Beyond that, the fact the other two Lunas are almost tied(and have been tied on occasion) is funny. The ones with the least 'least favorites' are also somewhat interesting. Gentiana was actually the last character to get a vote in that category. Overall, there were less votes in that category: a lot of people didn't vote at all, and some people voted the same characters in both categories(happened quite a few times, in fact). I have a feeling the results would be basically the same regardless of whether or not I included the April Fool's characters, though. A lot of people didn't even vote on those, and used the final question for that.

I'll say this: the safest move was either not to vote, or to pick number 3. No strong reaction means the funnies for me is less. If it's especially hated, the funnies is higher for me so I'm more likely to do it again just because I'm a troll. If people like it, it is a bit less funny to me than if they hated it, but it means I'm doing something right so I'll be more inclined to do it again. In the end, everyone is mostly safe. But that 1 and 2 is causing the itch in the back of my mind again.

Anyway, sorry for the long ass post. Hope(teehee) you enjoyed the behind the scenes.




The moment I read the "foul mouth" clue I knew which link I was clicking and I didn't even look at the rest of the links because I just knew Marle was coming again and I'm just that big of a coward lol. Either way, it is a nice to have this post so I can click on the links I like safely hehe. Been really looking forward to some Kaine stuff from you ever since you did some Automata so that's real cool. Would really appreciate that non-canon version because again, I'm a big coward. This project has been fantastic all the way through, thanks for your work.


And thank you for enjoying it. The enjoyment people have with this project makes all the time and effort worth it in the end. x)


I didn't hate the troll content, because I thought it was top tier trolling, especially the Gladio video. I genuinely laffed. Honestly, just that one would have been enough. I think the rest actually ended up watered down the trolling. Either way, kudos on the project work so far. It's been phenomenal.


Can definitely see that. Though pretty much all of these were ideas I've had for April Fool's at one point or another. Rather than let them sit, I figured I'd do all at once.


Why do you do this to me....?


I honestly couldn't even call the Kaine video a troll because it's exactly what I wanted.


That's why I'm here... But I ain't that smart give me a better hint...

Chanko Stew

Your behaviour towards Lightning has been very Tsundere lately. Now we have to thank her for this whole project it seems. Best girl.


You're killing me... but this is fun. I'm sure you're aware we talk about the same thing a lot. Look in not expecting anything great or serious. But I'm gonna have to ask for more hints.


I can't believe Lightning is the one that started this project lmao! Well I guess we all should give her some credit. Yeah you always do so well with the Gentiana sets; believe that's why she's always up on the list. Having her in those exposed/vulnerable positions adds a certain spark (*cough* for Aranea too please *cough*). Or it could be that famous Lazy's crossleg pose you have in almost every set of her's lol. I'm really confused about the results for Most Liked and Most Hated; the numbers don't add up lol. Like Aranea is tied for least hated, but for the liked, she's in the higher-mid area. Guess there's a lot of non voters for one group. I think the troll sets are great, I get a good laugh; keep 'em coming. Helps you unwind too I bet.


It hurts that you probably thought I'd get this immediately... I'm disappointed my #1 hero and it doesn't feel right. Give me a post.... date...


The troll ones got a chuckle out of me so I couldn't put them under "least favorite".


Been meaning to do an April Fool's troll with Lightning for years. Finally got it done, and I think - in the end - it was better than anything I could have seen myself doing a couple years ago. Maybe not the ultimate troll(the CYOA may one day see the light of day), but it was a good one all the same. The least favorite category has more than 100 less votes than the favorite category, so there is that. And also, a character in the middle actually makes sense for me to be the lowest on the 'least favorite' list. It implies less strong feelings overall, so it will have disappointed less than one who is very popular. At least how I view it.


Cue the cute anime love music….LazyP sees Lightning in a “cute” way….LazyP starts having “feelings” for Lightning…Lightning does something that Lightning normally does…LazyP’s bubble is burst and he reverts back to his tsundere ways….. Classic….. Btw….I can’t unsee it but Lotinging looks like Haley Joel Osment…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7RDkJEKSaQ Very fitting for this occasion. Imagine you're Morgana. You did...? Yesterday...? I created the name...? Was that comment to me??


Ohhh, you can do this~! Well, the concept/name I talked about first, but you talked about it in relation to a secret folder. And yes, it was a comment on your chain.


Oh yeah that does make sense, neutral feelings overall. Good work btw, well deserved break is needed.


I think a fair amount of people were in that camp. It's definitely not something I'll do frequently... but you better watch out. April Fool's might not be the only day I decide to troll from now on. I'm wacky like that. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)


Thank you. Been enjoying the 'time-off', but I'll probably try to finish the next 8 next week. Then I can have an off/on break during the release of the remaining 28 characters. x)


Hmmm... Is it... a name or reference?? It has spaces... it has caps... You must be telling me no caps and spaces for a reason... The "power-move" is what I don't understand.


Ok, to my credit. I wrote that as my. 2nd guess. But I didn't add the first 3 letters. So I didn't quite failed you... I was getting a bit paranoid, that's all... And I did hear that song through all of this. Fun. I'll start a new string to actually talk about the post X3. Thank you Lord Artorias.


I did think to just have it one word, but I felt the little 3 letters helped since that's how it's referred to. Anyway, I may add more to it at some point. Who knows.


From now on call me Sif. I'm your most loyal companion after all... If I find worthy members for our party I'll recruit them.


Jessie's Mom is truly a jewl. I didn't expect her to be a low-key 10, and the fact she got lost between more well known characters is a sad fact (tbh her postions weren't the best). Maybe making her look younger could help? Or a dedicated weekly release in the future as you said. Regardless, more people need to see the milf light.


Add it to your backlog list. Might be jank but there's a nostalgic magic to that game. Only beat it twice myself.


I feel like making her look younger would defeat the purpose. That said, I am definitely gonna do a proper release with her at some point, since the lack of proper appreciation is a crime against humanity.


Ok... now that I've joined the covenant, it's time to actually talk about this. Oh, but first.... if anyone wants to help audiodude add sound to the BDP animations, you could go check the "fundraiser" method he's using for it. But in general...pls people. We only got 2 full animations sounded. Support your sound designers. Let's get at least 10 of this made before the end of the year. Show some generosity. (≖ ͜ʖ≖) Anyways... I'm so glad you abandoned Lightning being the focus of this project. Because let me tell you with all honesty... Lightning isn't worth that much work even for a joke. I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression I was desperate for her. I was merely curious to see what you could do with her. I got a hint of it, gorgeous face aside. And is fine... Again, some characters just don't fit well in porn. Perhaps some sort of ship would've had some impact. But with what little character you have to work with... It would be hard to imagine who she would 'romance'


Serah is surprisingly popular, meaning will see her more in the future even after this project is done? *.*


I largely plan to take a break from Final Fantasy after this is over to focus on some other series characters that I've been meaning to get to for years now, but I'll probably return to Serah at some point.


Honestly, I probably could do Lightning 'justice' if I actually cared to. But even with these, the only reason I made them is because of the troll. That was the sole motivator. Otherwise, I just wouldn't care and they'd be lower effort than even Gladio.


The only way to do her justice is to model swap her in older animations. But fixing the bugs and glitches would still be too much effort for you X3. Unless!!! To show an example of how model swap isn't really that easy. Post an animation with swapped model of Lightning with no adjustments and fixes... it wouldn't look as hot as Lotinging but still very arousing... I voted 4 a lot in your survey, but I couldn't really go lower because even if I'm not a fan of some of the animations, the fact that they exist and that you're doing this is mind blowing. Again, as new animations come, the older ones get better. They get a better appreciation from me. And I'm surprised that a 63% of your fanbase is actually 'ok' with That Once Special Day's content. You can please and troll people at the same time. This is nothing but Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I should do that at some point. Show off the broken arms and all the other wonderful things that seem to break at random. Although some of my rigs are closer to each other than others, so they don't break quite as much. Perhaps the rest jumped ship already. And a large proportion of my fanbase is still on Pixiv itself. x)


And I don't think people there has noticed those animations still. Especially when someone is asking for Lumina... Is kind of odd how Hope and Alphi are so close to each other on both liked and hated... they either liked them or hated them. No mixed feelings here. And let me defend my cliche pick of Aerith and Luna. Aerith was just a great start, and I expressed fondly how much I loved her highlighted abs. You haven't matured just Lady Luna but Aerith too. Is probably unintentional, but I love when you have 'character progression' in your LCU. Luna... well it was mostly the anal goodness. I'm not obsessed with anal but when I get it from you I go insane. I was going to choose Lady Luna. But there wasn't anything really striking with her. Plus she's transitioning from Spicy to Sweet. So her """"appeal"""" wasn't as much as before. For Gaia was definitely just the character, though the poses weren't that bad either.


Though, like I said, most of the votes for those characters are one or the other in both categories. Very few had both. So it's weirdly split. Find it odd, but whatever. Not gonna question it. Think it's more you've grown accustomed to the spice, since I haven't changed anything. But really, I don't care what people picked - everyone's got their tastes so it's fine. Except when it comes to disliking Jessie's Mom. Then it's war.


I do believe that her OG dress and the way she looks in that mutual masturbation animation makes her look REALLY fucking spicy. And you did said once you adjust her height depending on the pose. But yes, I'm kinda used to it. We'll see if Tifa has an impact. All the GILFs were amazing in my opinion (Luna still very weird to see) But I do agree that Jess momy is the best in both looks and posing. The way you made her look experience and excited to finally get some action again, plus that neat feature you made her wear. Jayne would be 2nd with Elmyra being 3rd. Marle is in a whole different ranking. She's great but my problem with both her and Elmyra is the hair. Jessie's Mom is just perfect. The only explanation I can give to the high ranking in the hated ranks is that people were angry you gave her more love than Jessie herself.


Well, yes. The outfit does change the vibes a bit, but that's about it. And that was with the older models I made with her. This current one is basically spot on with her original body/height and I haven't done much in the way of adjustment in terms of that. I do think the love I gave Jessie's mom might have soured some people. Admittedly, I've always kind of planned to do her mom first, just to troll... but I ended up really liking her so the love I gave her came purely from somewhere genuine instead of just wanting to troll. x)


Ahahah…you see it too!!! I know you do and I can’t unsee it… Helllllp!!


Is really a shame we won't see these characters for a long time. Because I'll take a 'quality' pack of her any day now. I will agree with a couple people... these GILFs don't 'really' fit in the shorties. I would love if by the end of all this you could upload all GILFs in the apron. Jayne maybe in the wedding dress, though, Jayne is actually perfect in the shorties. Momy Jess in an apron AND the ring has a more 'casual and plausible' feeling to it than her horing around. And I keep forgetting that there's 2 more moms in the kitchen... Ifalna and Claudia.... I hope that at least one of those is actually in the kitchen.


You know, for a result of "I not into Lighting". That Hope animation is surprisingly good XDD. Though I'll still be waiting for a proper Lighting animation. At least I know the reason why you don't do it and it's ok. You do what you want to. And about Milf content, I do very like Milfs and Gilfs, but unfortunately they're easily outshined by the young, especially in FF series. I have to admit though I'm a mature woman lover, most of the fine ladies you pick in this Anniversary series didn't touched me much (since I haven't play the game they were featured in) except for Edea and Scarlett. However, in my opinion, I don't think hot pants or shorts suits them. Especially Edea. Overall, I'm welcome for more Milf or Gilf content (whether it's FF or not). Like Ultimecia, Cloud of Darkness and Yotsuyu, etc.


I'm sure they'll show up before long. To be honest, I'm already tempted to make more of some of these characters. >_> There also one more mom you're forgetting. Nora Estheim. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I wouldn't consider Ultimecia, CoD, or Yotsuyu to really be 'MILF', since they're not actual mothers. They're just on the more 'mature' side of things. But in the end, the outfit is mostly just for the ease of things. Trying to get all their original costumes in place was too much work since they're all very different and some are just uncooperative. And then the other outfits I'm using are certainly harder to work with, so for the sake of saving time I just put most characters in that outfit.


Oh, right.... I Hope.... she is as sweet as her son is.... And let me ask real quick... when will you give a hint to the existence of our Back Door Shady Link? Only a couple people have known it's existence. But only I have downloaded... -------The Two Goodies You've Granted Me TODAY!-------- Should we build it up first before advertising it?


They may or may not share the same poses. Let's just say there is some subtle trolling to be had going forward. x) Can let it build up, I suppose. Though when I'll add more to it, I don't know.


Whenever you do. You could use the same trick you did with the ghost nightmare. I was extremely surprised nobody mentioned gofile links on that animation till you brought it up. And there were hundreds of downloads already by the time you did. They are just images (for now...) So I'm sure it isn't that difficult to come up with something when you're bored. And it all doesn't have to be about 'the same'. Whatever you deem dark and un-pure could be sealed in there. Like Luna X WereNoctis round 2... Younger Days Edition.... (≖ ͜ʖ≖)(≖ ͜ʖ≖)(≖ ͜ʖ≖)(≖ ͜ʖ≖) Release your inner Noname that resides within you.


Perhaps. That is a possibility, I suppose. I have some stuff that I could probably dump there already. I just don't know if I want to. And I think I've mentioned it before, but noname was kind of an inspiration before I even started animating since he keeps things relatively simple and to the point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You did. I remember that kind of stuff. ♡(。- ω -) Just dump whatever you have posed of Artemis in there whenever you're ready. And plenty of Lizardmen when you start doing SC ( ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ)


Nah, no Lizardmen. Not about to step into his territory like that. I'll be doing my own thing. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) I think I'll throw some of my 'messing around' things in there.


I understand, I see you treat the definition more seriously than most of the people. If so then you will have some hard time to find the proper "Milf" to make content on.


Yeah, I can be kind of pedantic about it. There are a couple of other proper 'mothers', but it's not a huge amount admittedly.


I can respect that as I'm some what a pedantic person my self (some times). I will be looking forward to your future animation and wish to find out who those "proper mothers" are. Good luck


Haha, what a story Lazy ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡~) The poll results do not shock me in the slightest. I have a hunch Aerith Luna and Gentiana would easily be the top 3 for your followers any day of the week. Aerith being that far ahead when she was the first animation set is a little surprising, but a ton of people love Aerith to be fair. Jessie being not only above her mom, but right above Aranea, Gaia, Lulu, AND Jihl, is a fuckin travesty though. Was it the wedding dress??? It has to be, I can't think of anything else. So you're going to start making a bunch more M/GILF content after the BDP is done right? Clearly everybody needs more exposure to it so that they can learn to love the hags some more. Sad that the Au'ra's didn't work out, they were my preferred race in XIV. Maybe one day they'll be decent, but that might be asking for a lot with their skin textures. Just always have them in underwear I guess! Lumina sucks.


Oh hai Sychosys. I will say this survey has me looking forward to a survey when all the characters are released. With the likes of Iris, Yuffie, Tifa, and 25 other characters, it will be interesting to see how things change. Could be the novelty of a Jessie animation from me. I have been asked many times for Jessie. Definitely some MILF love on the horizon. I suppose I could just not care and ignore the scales... but that's not how I roll. I'll conquer the textures one day. Nuff said.


Holy fuck, what a fucking legend. Dude really spawned one of the most stupidly gargantuan smut projects just to hate on Lightning. The hate squad thanks you for your dedicated service O7 Looking at the poll results, its crazy how only 6 people were objectively correct when it came to picking the best set. I'm disappointed with you fellas And actually, I'm kinda curious to hear your more in depths thoughts on Lumina, if you have any. She looks like if Serah, Lightning and an evil pixie got blended together, so its a weird mix I'm kinda neutral on Also that idea of reverse Snow POV (or whatever other dude) is somewhat interesting. I don't think a female POV has been done before with this sort of stuff?


Anyways how’s your sex life? Yeah I think some of those other girls could definitely force their way into the top 5. Kyrie and Nayo I assume would be trumped by at least Tifa and Iris. Wild how well XV polls with how unpopular is XV is in general. Even Cindy polled high! And she’s bald!! That makes sense, she was definitely popular when she got the glow up in the remake. Was Jessie the only FF7R girl you hadn’t done anything with before this? Barring her and Aerith’s moms of course. We need biblically accurate dragon scales near their vagoogoos and we won’t take anything else for an answer!


People voted in favor of me doing Lightning animations, so my petty ass decided to dunk on them in the most grand way I could. It's only fair. Very sad. I don't have much to comment on Lumina, since I never played LR. She looks like Serah if her face was smushed against a glass pane, so I don't much like how she looks. And since she is a part of Lightning or some such, that only puts her further in the negative zone for me. I think it has, but it is exceedingly rare. Maybe I'll just drop it on people out of the blue for laughs.


They're still most likely gonna get that Lightning animation in the end though, so yea, Alexa please enter Thanos what did it cost meme Skipped LR too becaused it seemed pretty awful in every regard. Not even in an interesting way. When I first saw Lumina's renders, I was like, "Oh neat, goth Serah". Took a closer look, "Uh ok, kinda has Lightning's hair, but that's fine". Then saw the face, "What the fuck happened to your nose"

LazyProcrastinator (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 18:43:53 Thank you I found out already. >_
2023-04-06 05:50:55 You're tearing me apart, Sychosys! Well, when a lot of people think of XV, they think of me nowadays. Which is funny, and maybe sad. I think so. I've done basically every major FF7 girl besides her that I can think of. If not for this project, I might have ended up doing Elena before her, since that's how long I would have put it off... I feel the remake had the opposite effect on Jessie for me. I was looking forward to the expansion of her character and it just... fell flat for me. Yes.

You're tearing me apart, Sychosys! Well, when a lot of people think of XV, they think of me nowadays. Which is funny, and maybe sad. I think so. I've done basically every major FF7 girl besides her that I can think of. If not for this project, I might have ended up doing Elena before her, since that's how long I would have put it off... I feel the remake had the opposite effect on Jessie for me. I was looking forward to the expansion of her character and it just... fell flat for me. Yes.


Unless I go evil and decide to hold it hostage, but I wouldn't do THAT. Oh no, not at all. I'm only slightly evil, afterall. Yeah, she looks like a little gremlin or something. Some people are into that, I guess, but not for me. She's the Great Value Serah, and why go with that when I can go with Serah? Never would have used Lumina if not for this whole thing, if I'm being honest.


Here you go keep the change hi doggy I wonder if that says more about you, or about FFXV in general. Probably the game if I had to guess. All those nice designed characters like Luna and Gladio just stuck in a bad FF… Yeah like neat, it gave us another model with which to do smut with (her mother), but I mean there’s no way she still holds a candles to the other girls in that game. The only thing flatter than the expansion of her character was her after all that rubble fell on her ha cha cha


( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )---(≖ ͜ʖ≖)----(ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)----(ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ)---- (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)-----(≖ ͜ʖ≖)....... I'm fucking wide awake now.....


You're my favorite customer. Is what it is, I suppose. We'll see how XIV fares, I guess. I figure it'll be better, but who really knows with SE sometimes. Oof, lol. But yeah, when I like bootleg Yuffie more, they may have done something a little bit wrong. Or maybe I'm wrong. One of the two.


-Who he look like....? -Not bad for 2019, memories of 9 seconds. -Hella weird but hey it works. -That's some spice there, condoms are under appreciated. -Who she??And who she...? -Perhaps dangerously spicy, censored name must be censored more. -See, full nelson don't look that bad. Perhaps we have 3 more dwellers.... I would like to meet them one day.


How far will the blue balling go? (⚆ᗝ⚆) Yep, that's a pretty accurate description And after taking another look at the survey results, I gotta say, it's shocking to see so many people participating in this one. I think it's like quadraple of what you usually get. These days, your gofile links get crazy amounts of downloads even in the earlier hours of release too. I see yall out there (๏ ๏)


To be fair, I actually like bootleg Yuffie more than a lot of other characters. I like diet Yuffie more than I like actual Yuffie, probably. I’m not even sure why. Is it the stupid hat? The outfit? The fact that Wish.com Yuffie is a bratty thief in need of correction? It’s very strange.


Who knows? I don't even know myself. x) The Halloween survey got almost 1k participants, but that was when I shared it to pixiv, so it is quite a lot for Fanbox/SubscribeStar.


Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. I think it's a combo of the outfit, the dumb hat, and the hair. I like that sort of 'swept' look. I also feel remake Yuffie is a bit chubby compared to how she looked in Advent Children, so I'm not totally happy with how she looks.


- I dunno. - They've grown longer. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be making 30 second loops. - Artemis? Like I said, wasn't happy with them. - They have very nice packaging. - One's Selvaria from Valkyria Chronicles. Another is Luna from DOA, and another is Nanami from DOA, and then there's an O(ld)C. - It's an extra spicy meatball for a reason. - It's alright, but still something about it I don't like terribly. I know one. And there may be a case of double-downloading at times. But I do think there is another one.


Got it. Fun stuff in there. I will now return to my slumber. Thanks for the meal. That was a very good use for that link.


I will... I definitely have things to say. Just giving quick thoughts.


Threw a few more in there before I lie down myself. May prune it down some later, since it's kind of a random mess now. Which is true to my actual files, but it's a little more organized.


Ok so yeah man.... Let's talk about it. You're doing me a great kindness and to other new potential prowler. So I can't just say 'ok, cool dude...' and move on. You're being GREAT right now. So I must thank you. So codename: Wedding- Since you told me about Cloud, is hard to not try to figure out who the original body in these puppies were. But that's honestly unimportant, this fucking thing is great, if you had more 'rendering skills' this with a prettier background would actually be art. Like a cosplay shoot. Codename: Spooky- Speaking of rendering skills... omg! Does it only look that good because it's static? Because I would love an animation that is actually that dark. That you could only see the movement and a bit of the 'action'. the effects in the toes... so good. Very good render. Codename: Poker- very chill... this is now the canon reason why the banging started. But I would love an over the shoulder view from the male looking at a very intensely confident ghost lady.


Now... I was going to stop there until you replied. But I really want to talk about one more so I can clear my head for work. Codename: Elf- Now, this is nothing but great. Very fitting situation for the Elf. However... Unless that's a very dark red tone, this is the first time you've delved into this category. Now, from all the pit of despair themes I want you to venture to. This is not one I need. 'I need'. because if it's something you want to do I won't stop you. There's already plenty of 'quality' material for this theme. So your saving grace isn't really needed. The size does fit the Elf theme. But I mostly prefer Elfs getting abused by regular humans or monsters with odd Ds. But anyways, this shot is also amazing. Her body and her bikini. Is that RyanReos bikini??? It looks too god to be from a game. I'll squeez codename: Drow too. I love me some nelsons and dark blue tinted girls. And mythical girls getting used.


Good luck with Sadu, I'm gonna lose my mind when she eventually gets an animation from you


Mannnnnnn. Sadu and Yugiri as the what could've beens.. I love au ra's in the game.. just something about them.. But that tells me there's more a chance for the hyurs to one day get the lazy treatment. I like the polls, its always interesting to learn what people like and don't like. I'm not all that surprised ryne is decently high on the list. I voted for her as well but I realize my own biases. Strictly from an animation quality standpoint, its not the greatest (ie, you can see part of her hair "flickers") However, to my knowledge, there's no animation out there that comes close. So maybe we XIV players are that thirsty for content.


Btw, people starving for 14 stuff, initial-a is a bit of a raising star that's been doing a lot of 14 npc animations. While not as good as lazy's work, its decent.


When you're talking about the XIV characters, I wonder if it might be worth holding out on potential ones until the next expansion, considering that's when it's getting all of its graphical enhancements, to make it no longer look like a PS3 game, lol. Might make it easier to work with them, maybe. Seeing Jessie's mom with those amount of disliked votes makes me lose hope in humanity. She's a cutie. Although seeing that she had an equal amout of liked votes at least makes me a bit relieved. As long as it's not below the disliked votes! Alphinaud managing to get the amount of liked votes he did just shows how thirsty people are for Alisaie... Or not! Who knows?! Maybe both?! At the same time?! I'm definitely not trying to get any ideas in your head right now! Definitely not! *whistles* As for Kainé, I'm looking forward to the next April Fool's when she's not on the receiving end. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah the hair probably plays into it as well. I dunno, everything about her just screams “I’ll be great to lewd!!” Which she is, your Kyrie anims have always been choice. Yuffie is alright in 7R, but yeah she doesn’t hit as well as she used to. I guess she’s more “realistic” now but ehhh. She’s still cute at least


Something along the lines of: It is absolutely imperative that we understand and recognize the perils of authoritarianism. This type of governance concentrates power in the hands of a single person or group, leading to rampant corruption, suppression of dissent, and egregious human rights violations. The lack of checks and balances in authoritarian regimes can lead to poor decision-making and a complete absence of accountability. As intellectuals, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that authoritarianism poses a grave threat to the very democratic values and principles that define our society. We must act urgently and actively oppose authoritarianism in all forms to protect the freedoms and liberties that we hold dear.


Lazy: I'm not too fond of Jessie. Also Lazy: *Accidentally gives her one of the best animation sets of the bunch* What can I say? We should start calling you LazyProfessional.


I might wait for that. I'm not a XIV fan, so waiting is no big deal for me. Might not be the case for some, but I've got no rush to do some of these characters. x) It's been about 15 more votes since the screenshots were taken. Jessie's Mom is now 50 least favorite, 48 favorites. I think people are telling me to do more. Maybe somewhere down the line. People also want Gaia and Ryne at the same time from me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, I don't particularly like the animations. It's all subjective, but I'd put them in the bottom 15 for me, personally. This also includes the characters I've yet to release, btw.


They've shown us samples of the graphical update a few live letter back. Afaik, it's gonna be 1) higher resolution and 2) better shaders. In terms of the art direction, it's not gonna be any different. ie it's never gonna be ff16 quality


Wedding - I actually forget who I used for a face model. It's either Aerith or Tifa. Can't remember, honestly. Spooky - That's just the power of ray-traced global illumination. I rendered that in Cycles. I could do an animation in Cycles, but we're looking at 1-2minute render times per frame. I'd have to do a very short solo thing, probably. Poker - It was one of the little clips that got scrapped. Couldn't figure out the best place to put it, so it never got put in. Elf - Just me messing around. Never really did anything further with it, honestly. And yes, that's a bikini from RyanReos. Drow - Fun fact, same face model as the elf. Just different hair and what not.


These 5 renders prove you actually have a knack for not just animating but posing as well. I'll come out straight.... (≖ ͜ʖ≖) that wedding pic has me wanting to give it a smooch... and I get uncomfortable with the 'straighter side' sucking on it. Was it possible for that to be the wedding dress in the BDP instead of what we got? If you're ever bored and want to procrastinate. 9-10 second loops for unholy content is honestly good enough. Not much effort needed, just the stills got me having URGES to go home already. So, Codename: Zoldo- is this safe??? I don't want to risk your gofile with ninetendoo strict policies. But looks great. Codename: Titjob- a good sign of great things to come, but leave her for last if you can ;3. Codename: SelvariaSitting- not much to say, other than it seems to lack your most recent shaders. Codename: NanamiHips- I would put that as my lockscreen wallpaper, but privacy isn't 100%. You're nailing these dancing loops.


That outfit is a pain in the ass to work with and fit, so while I did briefly consider it, it was off the table as quickly as it was on the table. Zoldo - I dunno, but it'll probably be deleted soon enough just to prune it down. Titjob - That one is also really old, from 2019 sometime. Back before I started doing bi-weekly releases, I experimented a lot with a lot of different things, hence why I would go so long without posting at times. Selvaria - The shaders of Valkyria Chronicles are a bit unique, so I was trying to imitate that instead of just the typical 'anime' style. It has a sort of soft style to it, should be able to see if you look it up. Nanami - That's an oldie, but I do like it.


Creators really are strange creatures, that they can be so blind to their own brilliance! Now excuse me while I finish my hack novel to pay the bills so I can work on my Magnum Opus. *the hack novel goes on to win the Nobel Prize and the intended Magnum Opus is critically trashed and forgotten The irony is not lost on me. By the way, since I've got you here, you never played Dragon's Dogma have you?


My most liked/favorited piece on Pixiv is one of my least favorite animation sets, so yes. That happens a lot. I've played Dragon's Dogma and loved it. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the only game I'm actually looking forward to right now.


Sorry for the wait, I was jobing. Yes, that's the game's style. They also have this penciled shade to it too. Codename: Kyrie - Full Nelson- that is a smoth 1 second loop. The face is the only sacrifice. Again it doesn't look bad, do try to make a public animation at least trying it out. We will love it either way. Codename: KannaNyotengu-Scrapped- Looks great, to bad it never got to the big screen. But hopefully there's still a chance. I love how is actually Kanna centric with Nyo just watching. Give her a break she's trying her best... Codename: Displaying- OH lord... H.O.T. Again, looks familiar... wich game did the og model came from? Girls in thigh highs? Meh... 'Boys' with thigh highs??? Heaven. Codename: Covering- squishy bewbs... amazing. I love when you play around with bewbs like that. Codename: Carried- Dear lord... beautiful posing. I'm guessing you couldn't animate that. Looks very intricate... but oh my, the cake.... thigh highs.... Heels.... Hhnngg! The size difference!


Couldn't totally figure out the penciled look, but I got the 'softness' at least. Kyrie - That's how all my animations start. Initial loop, then dragged out to 20 seconds with head/face/body movement added on. Simple, easy, effective. Kanna - That's kind of the theme. Kanna trying her best, but NyoNyo always outshining her. I mostly just didn't like the tongue movements much, and the face deformations at the end. Too lazy to fix it, basically. Displaying - Pretty sure the face model is the same as wedding. Just different hair and stuff, but I can't remember. Covering - It's one of those things that only really works in images, though. Trying to make it dynamically is hell. Carried - I do have it animated, it's just not very good personally. Looks better as an image.


'Personally' doesn't mean ass for us. Give it some elbow grease and put it out. Can't be worse than some stuff already here. Codename: ASpicyMeatball- Condoms.... that is a very hidden kink of mine, is not very powerful but is there. The 'danger' being implied and the 'risk' one could take.... the need to be 'safe' is a very good feeling. This character would definitely use a condom, she can't risk it. Codename: AnExtraSpicyMeatball- pure fucking perfection. While we wear our jacket she takes her armor off. A continuation of this through image would be sweet. Slender + flat = Ascension. Codename: Artemis2019- Yeah, yeah you're right. It is hot.... weird but hot. Could fit very well as a 'game over' sequence with Nero. Codename: 2021 OldC- after all we've gotten, I'm interested in seeing her more. Love the very closeup angle. After so much POV this is a refreshing eyedrop. Codename: Iris- Yep... she looks just at home in those clothes.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Meatballs - Those are from like early 2020, so not gonna see any follow up from that anytime soon. x) Artemis - I had pretty much just started using Blender by that point. So many things wrong when I look at it. I have come a long way, honestly. OldC - Uses a Yakuza character as a base, btw. Iris - Still getting the wedding dress, tho.


Yes, her in the wedding dress should be neat. A nice change of pace for her. -She never used the condoms after that... huh, well... she IS spicy. -Tell me the game or character, because there's a lot of Yakuza games and I can't remember them all X3. -So, you must be eager to work on her with your new skills? (≖ ͜ʖ≖) Codename: AOIrisStep- Yes...! As if I needed more reasons to love this character. Again great looking image...! You're really good with stills. Codename: 2019Test- Yep, yep! It's old, but a very good framework. Could use some work maybe, like some meat on them legs. And though I prefer the way she looks on her portrait. Her 3d model doesn't look bad. Would have to see it from different angles and expression. Lastly, Codename: Alphinaud- Thank you... Just thank you. Is a simple thing, but it just hits. Codename: Hope- Beautiful! I have gotten to see more Femboy feet than regular girls in this BDP. And. I. ain't. complaining.


- Like I said, nothing's changed in the spicy aspect. - Yuki from Kiwami 2, I believe it was. - Not really. Knowing what I know now, the giantness and the wings and tail and what not just makes me dread touching it again lol. AOIris - I think I'm decent with composition and posing, but I definitely don't invest any further time into my stills beyond that. Though I will say that somedays I'm more into stills than animations, which is why I make them in the first place. Kind of lets the mind fill in the rest, and that can be preferable at times. 2019Test - And as you can see, I've been meaning to do something with her for a long time. Was an old model so I would definitely change it now. The shaders are also worse back then than what I have now, so that should help some.


So I see you're deleting stuff. Good thing I got them before being lost in the deepest depths. Maybe you're just organizing. Right, whenever you want to meditate, just do more of this. Test, weirdness, spiciness, the other stuff.... what a treat to wake up to at 3AM. Hope more people get interested in joining our cult and find the way. But not too many people... it wouldn't be so secret anymore... Of course, if there's something that the rest can see just post it in the post. Don't be afraid to go off topic in the remaining of the Maiden's posts.


Some of it might not get reuploaded, but it depends on how I feel really. Some stuff might be too spicy to just leave sitting around. Plus, a lot of this stuff is just stuff I make when I'm bored or whatever, and never had the intention to share so I feel a bit weird about it in the first place.


Ok, I understand. But don't feel weird. Just 2 people saw it. The link is still very obscure. I hope me giving you honest praise for all of them help you relax a bit. I'm completely ok with you posting whatever you want there. So don't hold yourself. I'll hold myself saying what they are here in the future if it helps. But all the stuff you deleted was great looking, just saying. Since you showed me the twins. I've just exploded. The kink I was recently building in secret, just fucking exploded when I jokingly said. "Yes, I want that" I never thought I'd be saying the things I've said since that day.


I think they're fine as well, it's just I am a rather 'private' person and largely a recluse, so it's just general discomfort. That's kind of how it happens. The thing with me is that I never got super hardcore and instead looped back around to where I'm pretty vanilla, even with that type of stuff. So, your mileage may vary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, if you ever do something neat just post it there, let me know. I'll get it, you can delete it the next day. I'll say thank you *wink, wink* and that's that. As you clearly saw. I DEEPLY appreciate your dark side very, very much. And you better keep them safe yourself, because if I loose them for some reason you bet your ass I'll be asking for them again. But now I have to make multiple copies and save them in multiple places. It didn't last long, but tank you, thank you, thank you for sharing those things with me. I've really been meaning to increase my pledge for being such a cool guy. But I'm either in a shaky situation or I'm paranoid something will go wrong with the payment. So instead take my understanding and love for your work and your darker works. ♡(。- ω -)


Your comment actually got me to check what was going on with Audiodude's Patreon and omg I got a good laugh out of it Wasn't expecting more than 2 or 3 of these to get the audio treatment, but here we have another guy attempting to keep up with this madness 💀


You can comment on them if you want, it's fine. I just have that sort of weird feelings about it. To be honest, 'spicy' Luna was never even supposed to see the light of day, but she did on a whim... mixed feelings on that decision, honestly. And I've got them backed up in several places, so it's fine. Also have all the .blend files and they're backed up etc. I'm not the best in terms of keeping up-to-date backups, as I can be quite lazy with it, but I do back my stuff up. Anything before my computer upgrade has multiple backups, and I've got my Maiden series on two separate hard drives just in case. Which has saved my ass. Once, Blender freaked out when I double-clicked a folder and it saved over a cowgirl with finish in the folder. Thankfully, it was a simple recovery. Like I say, always look out for yourself first(which is admittedly why I opened up support in the first place, just because I wanted to have a sort of 'backup' in case things get dicey). So no worries on that front.


Audiodude has shown some signs of love towards Lazy. He once even made a post asking what his patreons liked so much about Lazypro. So the fact he is trying to do something with this is very heartwarming. X3 Hope he is able to do a couple of them.


I wish him the best. One thing I actually considered doing once upon a time was to use the same poses and animation timings for each character, so I could commission one audio file and use it for every character. Back when this was an April Fool's joke. x)


(´ ε ` )♡ OK , just don't leave me hanging and post whatever you do so I can treasure them. As for Spicy Luna... is too late. But if aging her up a bit to Marie Rose levels make you feel better go ahead. Remember... edgy Luna.... But anyways. Krauser, Luis and HUNK are playable in Mercenaries!!! But no Ada or Wesker.... we gotta wait for those....


Unironically, I feel like the greatest prank you could pull off is just a set with sound. No animation or anything. Just black screen ASMR


Honestly, I have a shit ton more stuff I could put up there already, but I'm not going to right now. x) Yeah, the genie is out of the bottle on that one. I'll think about a goth Luna at some point. Of course. Capcom gonna Capcom, I guess. Maybe a bundle with Ada DLC? We shall see, I suppose.


Yeh, take your time. You've given me the best month of this year already. And there's plenty more you can give me via 'the safe way' with Mitsuru, Soul Calibur, new girls, new IPs... if nothing bad happens this year, this might end up being your best year ever. Gotta kickstart my second playthrough at some point. If I don't force myself I never will. I don't want to get rusty while trying to get S+ ranks and shit.


Ok, so I just came up with a fun game you could play with the black screen sound animation.... "Guess the animation" You would indeed post your first sound animation. It is pure black... but the audio actually belongs and synch with an existing animation of yours. So then everyone would have to go through your entire library trying to find wich animation does the sounds belong to. The posted sounds would be looped a couple times to no giveaway the length. That would be a nice interactive troll.


Something to consider in the future. Though the way I make stuff, a lot of my stuff can kind of 'sync', so probably not the most fair thing in the world.


Background sound, pitch of the voices, intensity of the action. There are plenty hints you could have. This would be a game were all sound editors that do your stuff would participate too. But that's for when you have money to spare and fuck around. Ok... just one last thing.... "a lot of this stuff is just stuff I make when I'm bored or whatever, and never had the intention to share" I'm so fucking jealous you've been doing this for yourself for this long and never shared... and you put that much effort... I wish I had your skill and horsepower (PC) to do what you're doing.... Don't leave me behind please... (-ω-、) I want to see everything you come up with... when you're bored!!! Remember... one day... that's all I need. But first finish your homework so you can go play outside. Knight Succ and Mitsuru can wait till you're done. They're both redheads so they can have fun with themselves while they wait. (≖ ͜ʖ≖)...


That would require some intense direction to get it so it'll actually be possible, I feel. We'll see. I would imagine most artists have their own little "secret stash", or maybe not. Hard to say. But I do enjoy the whole 3d process, even if my patience can be a little short at times, so maybe I am just a weirdo who has fun with it. Regardless, can't show all my secrets. Then they wouldn't be secret.


Sure.... ok... o(〒﹏〒)o But I did never get mah twins though... Or cray-cray 2B... (-ω-、).... The time will come, I guess.... Just gotta check the link daily. (´-ω-`).


Cray-cray 2B is gonna come soon enough. I mean, I've done Kaine and A2 already, right? ;) Twins I don't have anything with beyond that image. And solo stuff, I guess. Also, re-reading your past comments, an addendum to the Elf picture since I wasn't really reading your post correctly I think: that's actually a 'Attempting to make a contract with a Devil [GONE WRONG][GONE SEXUAL]'. You might prepare your contract and dot all your Is and cross all your Ts, but you can't really out legalese a devil. That's why you just go DMC on their ass instead.


An Elf making a contract with the Devil?? I see... in the LCU all myths, fantasies and religions exist at the same time. I just thought that was a poor attempt at a black character... But he looked red so that's why I said that first. It is... comically big though. I would actually like a couple more shots of that situation. Where that thing just doesn't fit anywhere X3 Except thighs and boobs... and licking. Vanilla meets ridiculous. That Elf does need to get out of secret link jail though... do more with her. If you're going to do RyanReos elfs then just stick her in whatever pack you do X3


I mean, elves and devils exist together in Dungeons and Dragons, so it's not that weird. And while I've never really played much tabletop D&D, I've played plenty of RPGs based off D&D, so the connection is kind of ingrained in my head. At some point, I probably will. I kind of avoided doing stuff with her, and the likes of AO Iris, because they're super niche characters among niche characters.


Sure... but I didn't mean A devil I meant THE Devil. Man... I miss watching dark fantasy stuff. Fromsoftware aside... nothing will ever top Berserk for me. For now... Just make sure she's being used. Elfes only exist for multiple species to breed.... They are like the Asari from Mass Effect. They fuck with anything. (≖ ͜ʖ≖)


You pretty much can't top Berserk, since a ton of the dark fantasy stuff is definitely influenced by it. Pretty much all of FromSoft's fantasy library is inspired in some shape or form. Though it's funny that the game that got official Berserk armors was Dragon's Dogma, despite that game being more D&D than Berserk.


I mean Elden Ring got the Dragon Slayer and the Black Knight armor is closer to the Berserk armor than the wolf guy's armor. It has the Guts flip... a lot of boss enemies move like Guts berserk mode. Fromsoftware just have to make a fucking Berserk game already...Sekiro style. It's almost that time where I re-read the whole thing again... then I'll get the itch to play Elden Ring as a Guts class again... Something gotta make me want to play that game again to be ready for the DLC probably next year.


I have a feeling they probably never will make an actual Berserk game lol. It's just one of those things that's obvious, but it just won't happen.


Nope, Berserk is stuck in reference hell. Developers may not speak it's name. But they'll reference it so much their game could basically be a Chinese knockoff of Berserk. Everything Fromsoftware is already that. They just spread different aspects of Berserk across all their games to not get sued. Don't know how the fuck they gonna reference Berserk in Armored Core though...


I'm sure they could sneak something in somewhere, even if it's just a passing reference. Maybe someone got stuck on a boat for ten years, I dunno. The real question is will Patches be in it? I hear he was sort of in an older Armored Core, so he's gotta show up here.


Damn, you made the joke I was going to make. Patches is even in Sekiro. As in a character with patches in their clothes. So yeah he'll be there, A mech squatting is a very funny thing to imagine.


I'm just an outsider looking in, but I do love it when there is porn/hentai content of minor role characters out there. When you made the Jessie's mom vid, I loved it. I got a thing for milfs like her. Keep up the good work and more Jessie's mom stuff hopefully down the line.


All i'm saying is the only reason you peaked at Aerith is because you haven't done Crossdressing Cloud yet


I really like the FFXIV Au Ra I hope you can one-day get them working.


Funny seeing Kyrie so high. If I had to guess, I'd assume you're one of the few people even making content of this character -- which is why it's so popular among your fans. They all came here looking for her, haha.


This was mad interesting to read because I didn't actually know you disliked lightning so much. I have been following you for a while now, and did always wonder why I hadn't seen her when I basically saw everyone else from XIII, so it does make sense. I do respect the troll though lmao. I am kinda curious what is it about her that irritates you so much. Im someone who likes the XIII trilogy as a whole for the most part and finds characters from that series way more irritating than her, but they're all hot so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's largely irrational, but it's mostly because SE was pushing her everywhere at the time and that period of time was kind of the 'darkest hour' of SE's history with nothing good to note. It was also a rough period of video gaming in general, and partially my own life, so I just associate her with that entire negative period and so actively dislike her. Like I said, irrational, but it is what it is.