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※Denki-anma:The act of shaking the cock with the foot


I heard the sound of the camera stopping from Goro's phone.

I was stunned, but Goro took a tissue from the table and handed it to me.

"Here you are."


I didn't know what to do, so I could only look at him.

Then he took some tissues and silently placed them on my semen-stained hands.

"Thank you ..."

I wiped my hand with it and wiped off the semen on my cock.

In the meantime, Goro was silently wiping Tomoharu's feet, which were rubbing against my cock.

Even after I finished putting on my underwear and pants, he didn't seem to wake up.

”Dad didn't get much sleep last night, so you probably won't wake up for another two hours.”

He probably won't wake up for another two hours," Goro said as if he had guessed.

"I see.”

”Daisuke, please come to my room.”

"...... Okay...

I don't know what he was trying to do by inviting me to his room, but I had no choice but to comply.

Goro's room was on the second floor.

Goro was walking towards the stairs in the hallway, carrying his uniform and enamel bag, as he had just finished a baseball game.

I silently followed him.

”Come in.”

He opened the door to his room and invited me in.

Once inside, I found the room surprisingly tidy and simple, with a study desk and a bed.

Goro put down his bag and sat down on a chair.

”Please sit down.”


Confused, I sat down on the floor.

When I looked at Goro again, he was staring at me.

"Oh, you know...”

I couldn't stand the atmosphere, so I opened my mouth.

"Daisuke, do you like my father?”

Then, as if to interrupt my voice, Goro-kun began to speak.


I was surprised by his sudden question.

"Do you like my father as a love interest?"

Now that he'd seen me like that, there was no point in hiding it.


"......, is that so."

I don't know why Goro replied to my answer in a dissatisfied tone.

"So, why were you rubbing it on Dad's feets? You even smelled it..."

"Well... that's..."

He looked at me straight in the eyes and asked me a question about my sexuality, and I didn't know how to answer.

"Dad's feet must smell really bad if he hasn't washed them."


"You were excited while sniffing his stinky feet, right?"


"Do you like your dad's stinky feet?"

I was too embarrassed to look any further into Goro's face.

"Please answer me. Do you like smelly feet?"

"...... I love Tomoharu... Tomoharu's feet stink, so I can feel him.”

"You mean you don't like anything but my dad's feet?”

I hadn't thought about it that way.

I've always liked Tomoharu, and I like the smell of his stinky feet, but I've only ever smelled his.


That's why my answer to Goro's question was so vague.

”I've only smelled Tomoharu's, so...”


Goro replied in a dissatisfied voice again.

"Daisuke, please look at me.”

When I looked at him again, I hadn't noticed before that his baseball uniform was stained with mud, even down to the tips of the baseball under-socks he was wearing.

He had short black hair, healthy skin, and a face that resembled the old Tomoharu's.

He was big for his age.

”I've been told that I look like Dad.”

Goro said, as if he could see through my thoughts.

”Daisuke, you met my Dad in junior high school, didn't you?”

”That's right.”

”Did you like him from that time?”

”...... That's right. ”

"Do I look like my Dad then?"

"You do... you look exactly like him."

"I see..."

This time, Goro-kun replied in a slightly happier voice.

I didn't know why he was asking me that.

"What about it?"

This time, Goro-kun turned his head down.

I felt his face was a little red, as if he had a fever.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he looked up again, stared into my eyes, and said.

"Um, I... I love you, Daisuke."


For a moment, I couldn't understand what he was saying.

What? Goro love me?

"What, wait, what? Did you say you love me?"


Goro replied strongly.

"Wait a minute. This lovng..."

"It's the same feeling Daisuke has for my Dad."


Goro said with a serious face.

"No, no, no, no... you're still in the third year of junior high s”But I'm older than when Daisuke fell in love with my Dad!”

Goro interrupts what I'm about to say.

”No, there's a difference between that and this...”

”Daisuke, you like men, don't you? I'm a guy, and if I look like my dad, isn't that what you like?”

It is true that Goro, who resembles Tomoharu in appearance alone, is his type, but that is not the point.

He's too young, and I've never looked at Tomoharu's kids that way before.

”It's not about that...”

"And I...”

Goro looked at his leg in embarrassment.

then held it out towards me.

”I have smelly feet, just like my Dad...”

Goro's feet were dirty and steamed with mud and sweat from the end of the baseball game, and they looked stinky.

The heat and cramped space of the room meant that I was still some distance away from his face, but the smell was already reaching my nose.

”No, no... maybe you're right, but...”

”The guys from the baseball team said that my feet smelled particularly bad. I sweated a lot during the game, so they probably smell worse than Dad's now...”

I can smell Goro's feet in the moist air.

I could feel the blood gathering in my cock again, even though I had just ejaculated when I smelled Goro's feet.

"Wouldn't you like to smell my feet?”


Goro says with a look of provocation on his face as he moves his toes.

I can tell even though he's wearing baseball under-stockings.

Goro's feet had the same well-balanced foot shape as Tomoharu's feet.

”You like smelly feet, don't you? Don't you want to smell my smelly feet?”

Maybe because I didn't answer, he asked me the same question in a slightly more nervous voice.

"No, I can't do that...”

It was not a matter of wanting to sniff or not wanting to sniff.

”Why not?”

”I can't look at you like that.”

”...... Is it because I'm too young?”

”That's one thing, but...”

"Because my Dad's son?"

"...... Yes."

"Hmm... so you wish I was older and not my father's son?"

Goro moved his toes and said.

He seemed to be in a bad mood.

”It's no use talking about hypotheticals like that.”

”That's enough...”

Goro looked at me as if he was glaring at me, and now he said with an unpleasant smile that was a complete change from the one he had just given him.

"Well, Daisuke. If you don't want my Dad to see that video, you masturbate while sniffing my feet."


"Didn't you hear me? I'm telling you to masturbate while sniffing my smelly feet."

"No, I don't..."

"You're not going to tell me you can't do it, are you?You looked so happy."

Then Goro showed me the screen of his phone.


With my voice, the screen showed me sniffing Tomoharu's socks and rubbing my cock on his feet.

”Stop it!”

”I'll send this to my Dad's phone.Are you sure? ”


I can't let that happen.

If Tomoharu finds out that I'm doing this, I'll...

"You don't like it, do you? You don't want your favorite person to find out about your perverted appearance like this."

"Please don't do that..."

"Then expose your cock."

I had no choice but to follow his words.

I stood up and started taking off my pants again.

I was not comfortable with Goro watching me, but considering that he had seen the scene in the video earlier, I couldn't be shy about exposing my cock now.

I pulled down my underwear to reveal my cock, which smelled like a mixture of Tomoharu's feet and sperm from rubbing against them.

When I exposed it, Goro looked at my cock with interest.

"Is this good?"

'Yes, it is. Then squat down and smell my feet."


I crouched down at his feet and took his protruding foot in my hand.

His warm foot wrapped in a thick baseball under-stocking.

The soles of his feet were covered with a surprisingly clear pattern of mud stains.

As a member of the baseball team, I could tell.

Even though it wasn't raining, the fact that his feet were covered in mud instead of dirt meant that his own sweat had soaked into the soil and turned it into mud.

In other words, the mud on the soles of Goro's feet is the result of his sweat being absorbed by the soil.

He must have sweated a lot to have this much mud on his feet...

”Hurry up and smell it.”

”I know...”

Goro told me, and I put my face close to the muddy sole.

Even though the sole was not yet attached to my nose, the moist air was already enveloping my nose.

When I put my nose on Goro's sole, I could feel the sweaty socks on his feet, which was quite sexy.

Maybe that's quite a smell...

I sucked in a breath through my nose.


At that moment, air with a strong odor came pouring in through my nose.

Goro's foot arch had a strong, fermented, sour smell from his sweat.

Thanks to the fact that my nose was already accustomed to Tomoharu's scent, my nose was still on the sole, but Goro's feet stank like hell.

"Keep sniffing."

I did as I was told and kept sniffing the sole.

The smell of stinky feet poured in one after another.

"Hmmm ...... Oooohhhh...”

I can't believe it...Smelly…

I had just come, but my body was starting to get aroused by this smell.

The smell of his feet...

It smells just like Tomoharu's socks I smelled that time...

"Do my feet smell stinky?"

Seeing me sniffing, Goro asked me with a grin.

"Ohhhhumm♡S,smellyyyyy♡It smells really bad♡”

This smell inevitably reminded me of Tomoharu from back then.

I know it's Goro who's making me sniff it, but when I look at their similar faces, I feel as if I'm going back in time and being sniffed by the Tomoharu of those days.

'Daisuke... you're getting an erection.”

As he said, I was starting to get an erection from smelling Goro's feet.

I can't allow myself to get excited doing this with Tomoharu's son...

But I couldn't stand it if he smelled like this.

”Please sniff me more.”

Goro wiggled the toe I was sniffing.

The base of the toe is the most smelly part of the foot.

I moved my nose from the sole of the foot to the toe.

It was particularly dirty, soaked with sweat and mud that I could hear the slight sound of water when my nose touched it.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I breathed in through my nose.

”Oh my God!!!!”


I almost fainted for a moment at the sheer smell that came pouring in.

What the hell is this smell!

It smelled much worse than Tomoharu's under-stockings that I smelled back then.

"It stinks, doesn't it? I'm amazed at myself sometimes."

As he said this, he dexterously plucked my nose with his toes to block it.


I couldn't escape the smell of his stinky feet, so I breathed in through his feet again.

"My god!!Ahh♡OOOh♡"

The smell of his stinky feet flowing in again.

The smell of Goro's toe was incomparably more overwhelming than that of his feet.

His feet were just as stinky as Tomoharu's sleeping feet.

No, these feet after baseball might be even worse than the ones of Tomoharu.

"Daisuke, you've got a perfect erection. I never thought my stinky feet would come in handy in a place like this."

I was so excited by the smell of Goro's feet.

I couldn't stop my desire and sniffed his feet again and again through my nose.

My cock, which had become painfully erect like it had been with Tomoharu, twitched and moved in delight every time I smelled his stinky feet.

”Ohhh♡Smellyyyy♡Great Smell…♡”

I was so excited that I was completely turned on despite the fact that my partner was Goro.

"Daisuke...if you go out with me, I'll let you smell smelly feet every day."

I'll get to smell this every day?

These stinky feet?

Isn't it the best?

”Ahh♡I'll die if I smell this stinky stuff every day♡♡♡Ohhhh♡”

"You love smelly feet, don't you? Will you date me?"

He asked me, groping my nose with his toes.

It's true that Goro's feet are smelly, and he even looks like Tomoharu.

I'm so happy to be able to smell these stinky feet every day.

”Ohhhh♡I can't do that!Ahhh♡"

I managed to turn down the temptation.


Goro, who didn't like my answer, let out a short breath as if he was not amused.

"Then how about this?

Goro touched my upturned and erect cock with his other foot, the one he hadn't let me sniff.


The feel of the steamy, damp socks against my cock made me squeal with pleasure.

Goro continued to slowly stroke my glans with the sole of his foot.

The warm, squishy socks move to wrap around my glans.

"You like it when people do that with their feet, don't you? See, you're really twitching...”

”Ohhh♡Goro, No!!Stop!!Ahhh♡”

"No? You look so good... But you were rubbing against my father's leg just now.”

Goro was right, the act of having his feet sniffed while rubbing my cock with his feet was the same act I had been doing with Tomoharu until just now.

"This is...No♡You are still…Ahh♡”

"Age doesn't matter. Come on, smell me more."


He pressed my nose again, and I sniffed it as hard as I could.

The smell of Goro's feet was driving me crazy, as was the pleasure of his cock.

I wonder if I would have been able to do this with Tomoharu if I had been able to date him back then.

Goro looks just like Tomoharu did back then, and I start to fantasize about him doing it with Tomoharu.

That makes me even more excited.

”Ohhh my god♡Smellyyyyyy♡”

”I can't believe you enjoy getting a footjob while sniffing my smelly feet.You don't want my Dad to see you in such a perverted state, do you?”


"How about this?"

Goro moved the foot that had been stroking my glans and stepped on it, pressing my cock against my belly with the entire sole of his foot.

Then he started to shake his leg.

"It's a 'Denki-anma'. We joke about it at school with our friends, but for you, it's a sex act, isn't it?"


The damp soles of my socks made my cock shudder as much as I could, and a tremendous tickling sensation washed over me.

The tickle turned into a strong pleasure when the smell of my stinky feet was added to it.

”Don't lie to me.It really feels good, doesn't it?”

I couldn't deny it.

I know it's no good, but my body wanted this smell and pleasure.

"Here, I'm going to make you shake so hard."

The shaking of his legs became faster and faster, and the pleasure increased.

”Ohhh♡Goooood,It feels goooood!!Ahhhh♡”


I couldn't help but get excited and feel good when he made me shake my cock by sniffing his stinky feet.

"'Please date with me. If you do, I'll let you sniff my smelly feet while I give you a Denki-anma whenever you want."


”I thought of good things.On days when I have club activities, how about Daisuke picking me up on the way home and giving you a feetjob on the way home?I'll let you sniff my steaming feet after a workout and step on your cock with my feet.”

Goro's words were so alluring that my heart was shaking uncontrollably.

Goro's smelly feet right after club activities.

It still smells like that, but it's probably a different kind of smell.

"You love stinky feet, don't you?"

”Ahhhh♡Want you to!!Smelly feeeeet!!♡”

”Then let's date together."

”Ohhhhhh♡Ohmy god!!♡”

"See, you want to get a Denki-anma every day, don't you?"

The word "Denki-anma" makes me feel the touch of the socks on my cock more strongly.

The squishy, rough texture of the socks.

"You can do whatever you want with my stinky feet, you know. Come on, let's date."

”Ohhhh♡Nooo♡I can't do thaaaat.Ahhhh♡”

"Why!? You're feeling so good on my feet!”

He said as he rubbed his toes on my glans, making me shiver.

"Ooooh♡Stop it!I'm coming!!"

"You're so excited by my smelly feet.But why!?"

He continued to move his toes, which were pressed against my nose, as if to rub the smell against my nose.

The strong smell of his feet ravaged my brain, and the pleasure of his feet rubbing against my cock grew stronger and stronger.

I'm going to come.

I'm going to be made to come by Goro's smelly feet.

I'm going to die from the smell and pleasure.

Even though I was dominated by this smell and the pleasure of Goro, I couldn't get rid of the thought of Tomoharu in my mind.

”Ohhh♡No!!Stop it!!Ahhh♡I'm coming!!"

"You're so excited!And you're about to cum from my footjob!So why won't you date with me!"

"Why! Why!!!

Goro said as he shouted.

I was fucked by the smell of his sweaty feet, which made his feet sweat even more, while his feet continued to rub my cock, and I was at my limit.

"Oh God, I'm cumming! I'm cumming. No, no,. Aah! Tomoharu♡ I'm cumming Tomoharu♡ Oooooooooohhh♡♡!"

I ejaculated while being shaken.

I can't believe this is the second time I've done this, but the semen came out with such force.

And the pleasure is even stronger than before.


I finished my ejaculation, staining Goro's socks with my semen.



".....I don't care..."

Goro-kun took off his socks and handed me a tissue that was nearby.

"Thank you..."

"......, wipe that off and please get out of my room."


Perhaps because I refused to date with him, Goro said grimly.

I wiped my cock and put on the underwear and pants I had taken off.

Goro looked at me with a sad look in his eyes.

”Daisuke, can you give me your contact information? Can't I have that too?”

As I finished getting ready, Goro pulled out his phone and said.

I was a little lost, but I decided to give him my contact information.


After saying that, he looked away from me and started to operate his phone.

"Well...I'll be going now. Tomoharu is..."

"I won't tell."

"I see..."

As if to escape from Goro's bad mood, I said so and left the room.

I went downstairs and found Tomoharu still sleeping on the sofa.

He may have turned over in his sleep, but he still had his bare feet sticking out.

I couldn't bring myself to drink anymore, so I decided to leave.

"See you..."

That's all I said to the sleeping Tomoharu, and I left his house.

On the way back, I received a message on my phone.


It was from Goro.

Wondering what it was, I opened the message.

There was a picture of Goro's socks, which he had taken off, and a few words on the message.

"I'm not giving up."




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