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It's time for the last test before Nikos and Kynon can start their new life as Velvet boy at Puer Gregis. And it starts with the boy's fathers offering them up for inspection, by their new teachers Quinn and Jaeger. Feel free to leave a comment below. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think :)




So hot can not wait to see what will happen next


This is amazing! I would love to see the dads participating in the test.


Pretty sure Kynon didn't see that coming. But that will make the next update all the more interesting. Will his stubbornness keep him from doing what he has to do? Will his love for Nikos make him do whatever it takes for them to stay together at Puer Gregis? Find out next time on the next Dragon Ba--oops! Wrong media. Hehe. This story is certainly getting interesting, and I look forward to where it goes.