New ToS (Pixiv Fanbox)
I'm not going to say what will happen, what I am going to do, or anything of the sort. I am just asking everyone to stay calm. I see a lot of Content Creators who do not understand the new ToS, since no one fully does, and they are helping spread fear throughout Pixiv and Fanbox.
This is causing fans to think that they will either get their accounts banned for subbing to a creator or that they should not sub to someone because that creators account will be deleted.
What I DO know is that this will not affect users. You will not be banned or anything of the sort for looking at certain content. Creators will NOT be outright banned unless they are posting realistic content or content that depicts a real person. It is still possible that some non realistic 2D/3D posts will be hidden until the contents are corrected by the creator, but that will be the extent of things. This also does NOT affect Pixiv itself, only Fanbox, Booth, and Pixiv Commissions.
Be informed and subjective to all that is happening and do not let other creators cause you to worry.