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Pixiv plans on revising their ToS for all content that involves transactions. Fanbox, Booth, and Requests. How this will affect 2D & 3D loli content is yet unknown, but things look grim.

This seems to be brought on by pressure from Visa. In this image you can see Visa's ToS which lists restrictions word for word and in the same order as what Pixiv have used in their new post. They also mention that this applies to 2D and CG artworks.

If 3D Loli becomes prohibited for Fanbox, then it will mean major changes for my Fanbox. The best possible outcome is that nothing will change. The worst possible outcome is that I will no longer be able to list anything at all. There may be a middle ground though in which I can no longer offer videos and images and only offer Virt-a-mate content. If this is the case, I will have to spend much of my time recreating header images & editing the posts to remove all imagery of sexual content.

If you are interested in my content and are putting off getting it, it is possible that now may be your last chance because I would not feel right releasing the entirety of my stuff for free that so many others have paid for. Lets hope that isn't the case, but even I do not know.

To head off any suggestions to use SubscribeStar, I have already applied months ago. It can take over a year to be approved as a creator so that you can start posting content, so this is not an immediately available option.




Maybe you don't need to post actual pics on fanbox, you could post smaller versions on, for example, Baraag. On fanbox itself we get the password or the link to the monthly folder via PM. In that way, for people like me without access to a credit cart, it's still possible to support you.


Yes hopefully I can just make regular posts. But I cannot viably send out passwords at the rate I would need to. It would take up all my time.


I pray to the loli lord that you can continue


I think we've misread here. We are talking about Visa-Owned Marks only. "Visa-Owned Marks means the logos, trademarks, and trade names owned by Visa as described in the Visa Product Brand Standards, as such rules or standards are amended or replaced from time to time;" We simply must not display the Visa logo on our pages, that's all. It is Pixiv's responsibility to manage where and how the Visa logo is displayed on the site. Currently, payments are made through Paypal and not Visa. Pixiv does not deal with Visa but with Paypal. It is probably in a process to get rid of Paypal or perhaps to offer a payment system other than Paypal.


Do you know if Fanbox has the same authentication API features Patreon does? Rekin worked around this by using a Patreon auth portal on an offsite server, then just sends text updates whenever something new is out.


I seriously doubt it. Fanbox has a severe lack of features out of any pay service. Ko-Fi, Patreon, SubscribeStar, even Only fans are way more fully featured than Fanbox haha. The only thing Fanbox has going for it is it's integration with Pixiv and it's openness to Loli content. 🥲


The Pixiv post discusses the transaction of the items listed and does not pertain to the visibility of the Visa mark. "Using the Services to display, sell, purchase, register, or engage in other transactions involving the products set forth below"


Are you referring to this article? https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788 "If you find content that is prohibited on BOOTH, pixivFANBOX, and the pixiv Requests feature, please delete the items or set them to private before the update goes into effect on Thursday, December 15th." I wrote to them to know what they mean by "set them to private"


Sounds like we need a cryptocurrency based payment system. VISA is obsolete.


I would be down for this. But it is still not as user friendly as it could be for most people. Hopefully soons things will become more mainstream.


I make all monthly payments here on the fan box with Paypal. Visa payments on Booth only. Maybe you should just observe how other artists behave in this regard. You are the only one who has written anything on this topic.


I am not the only one. it is being widely discussed. Irispoplar even has a post on Fanbox as well. PayPal uses visa and I suspect this also has something to do with why PayPal will no longer be accepted in Thailand here on Fanbox on the same date.


Make sure you set up the support plans and send an email to subscribestar. Shot in the dark but I also spent almost 2 years and nothing happened till I did that. Unfortunately My current bank doesn't apply, but I'll fix that soonish.


Yeah I have had those set up since day 1 and have sent 2 emails with no response.


Hope you make it through this disaster and let me know what other sites you're going to


I hope there will be a future possibility how to support your great work. I would move to any other site staying on your site:-) A game of words.


Thanks! Hopefully I can dodge my way around the obstacles if it comes to it :)


If I had the resources and knowledge I would just build Atomic Loli up to be a new site that people could post their work and accept subscriptions. If only lol.


Never see such beautiful loli paintings again.....it's the end of the world :(


Lol. Well, I have been doing well this far figuring problems out that have been thrown at me, so hopefully I can do the same here. I wish they had released full details instead of waiting, but I will be brainstorming how to deal with this in the meantime so you dont lose Loli paintings from me :)


if everything on this site is censored, does it matter what is "linked to" on other sites? "pixiv aims to protect freedom of expression, and respecting the content of work is an important part of our policy." "but our desire to make money trumps all of that so shut up and do what we say or you can't play our game."


Probably 😅 This is one of those times where you gotta just be over cautious so you don't lose everything.


Won't somebody please think of the pixels! Seriously though, what a thing to wake up to and I really hope this either isn't as big as it sounds and blows over, or you're able to secure some other method as you're one of the very few artists I follow due to such high quality content.


Hopefully it won't be anything bad. But I also have nowhere else to go. I will likely have to just remove all imagery from Fanbox and only have text posts about new content and the Collections posts where the content is linked to. If this is the case and what I would have to do, I very much hope it doesn't have a major impact on me as I have invested a sizeable amount into creating Atomic Loli just to realiably host my files for everyone.


Here's hoping. I found out about you on a site completely unrelated to Pixv and I doubt I'm the only one so I don't think you'd have to worry about exposure too much, and I'm sure if worse comes to worse people would still check out the text links to see what things are about. Still I hope everything works out for you.


cien.fanza,dlsite and dmm are sites other artis are moving to or posting their work ;w;


I'll check these out. I have been to them before but never looked into the creator parts.


They did this to OnlyFans and PornHub as well. They also joined in the Russia nonsense. I can't believe they're still doing this shit. It's none of their damn business to decide what content can be posted on the websites that use their services. Pixiv literally PAYS a percentage of every purchase made through VISA- directly to VISA. Just shut up and take the money in silence, you useless leeching sanctimonious pricks. Sorry, I know there's no point in ranting here, but since it isn't the first time they've bullied and blackmailed companies, I'm getting really annoyed.


Man, this is a whole kerfuffle. I applied to and was ultimately rejected by Subscribestar two years ago. They didn't specify why but it is what it is. I already post all of my Fanbox content in zip files and I'll probably keep chugging along while looking into alternatives...


That sucks. I haven't heard of anyone being denied a SubStar yet. Very weird. If you find a good alt, let me know.


I got approved by SubscribeStar within a couple of days if I recall correctly. If you want to know more about my experience with them, drop me a dm!


We can pay with Visa? Always thought I had to use Paypal. huh At least for VAM looks, you can just apply vamifier morph for instant un-loli/re-loli slider


lol yeah you can pay with visa and Mastercard. As far as VAM stuff goes, I don't think it will be necessary to alter them. Pixiv staff have no way to view the contents of VAM files. It would just be an unecessary step. I am more worried whether I will have to scrap both normal and VR images and videos.


According to JP artist looking into this. Pixiv is citing Article 14.26 from the Term of Use which is IRL NSFW Content (Fictional stuff is article 7, which is not mentioned at all). So the main problem seem to be idiots selling/posting real, illegal stuff.


Im not sure why they are citing anything from that article since the new ToS update has yet to be released. They are revising it to include additional stuff.