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You can use these simple light rigs I created when posing your characters. Probably not very useful in dynamic scenes, but good for simple stuff.

To use these, create a subscene atom and make sure it is aligned to the base of your character at their control. In the subscene options menu, select the subscene tab and choose Load Existing... Find my VAR in the left panel and choose the lighting you desire! Detailed instructions at bottom of post after examples!

Sample Poses with Jordan using Neon Light Rig and Avery using Soft Light


First you need to add a subscene by clicking the plus icon in the menu bar and selecting this option. Then click on Add Atom.

If the subscene is not automatically selected, you can open up its options by click the arrow icon in the menu bar. Find subscene in the left panel and select it. Then click on control in the right panel.

If your character was never moved from the default position, you can skip this alignment step since they will both be in the correct position. Otherwise click on the move tab in the subscene menu and then select align to button

Green dots will then display. Click the very bottom one below the character and in the middle. This is their control point.

Now you can select the subscene tab inside the subscene options. Click the load existing button.

Find my var in the left panel and click on it. Your lighting options will pop up in the main menu area.

You can then reclick on the load existing button in the previous step to switch to a different light rig at any point. You can also rotate and move all the lights around at once simply by moving around the subscene atom.

Disclaimer: This is for the software Virt-A-Mate only. For any questions feel free to contact me.




Lighting makes the difference. Can you plz post a screenshot hot to create subscene atom and make sure it is aligned to the base of the character?