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- Thank you very much to all the people who have trusted me until today to elaborate their commissions. - From now on I will focus entirely on the artistic activities of the different active projects. - All this time I have learned different techniques and I have created different tools that optimize the creation of artistic content, so now it is possible for me to reach new goals. Check the new work: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Plan A: PNG Resize https://asgf896.fanbox.cc/posts/1290641 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLan B: PNG Original Size https://asgf896.fanbox.cc/posts/1290645



Ashened Patron

Can I be invited to the discord? My username in brimstonesuffering. The period is included in the username.

Ashened Patron

Can I receive an invite to the discord server? I've been subscribed for almost two weeks now and haven't received and invite.