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The Godfather - You Were Caught

Karl: Let me position my dick... Karl, unlike his colleagues, was going to perform the practical lesson by fucking the male mannequin. Not that this was a problem. He had had a vision of Meryon begging to be fucked, and it excited him. Karl: Okay, this one in... it's so... tight... Karl: I think ...

Grace: But, you know, if you want, you can come over later, so we can work on our homework together.

Karl: I can't today... It's Mom's birthday. I still have to buy her a present.

Grace: Got it. Do you know what to get her?

Karl: Oh, she's been complaining about her back pain. She said she deserved a massage. I saw a store downtown that sells a massager. I'll go there and have a look.

Grace: Good luck.

Karl left the school and went in search of the store he had found on the Internet. Behind him were Meryon and Hellen, who spotted him.

Meryon: Hey, Karl?

Hellen: That's him.

Meryon: Hey, Karl, wait!

Karl: Oh... Meryon...

Karl got nervous right away. Meryon was there. He was barely out of class, where he had had the vision of Meryon begging to be fucked. In a way, Karl felt ashamed now.

Meryon: Where are you going?

Karl: I... am looking for a store... that sells a massager, but I think I'm lost hehehe

Hellen: Do you know the address?

Karl: It's this one here...

Karl showed a piece of paper where the address was written down. Hellen soon recognized it.

Hellen: Ah... did you find the present for your mother... in this store? Well, I know where it is... You could take him Meryon. You remember where it is too, right?

Meryon: Aaaahhh, this store, yes I do. Well, if you want Karl...

It was good to know that I would have a moment with Meryon again.

Karl: Yes...

Meryon grabbed Karl's hand and pulled him along.

Meryon: Then let's go. Before it gets too late.

It was amazing how Karl, when he was around Meryon, felt that all the signs of the universe conspired to make him horny. He was really attracted to that blond boy.

When they arrived in front of the store, in the window was displayed, as Karl had seen on the Internet, the so-called massager.

Karl: It looked bigger in the ad.

Meryon: Yes, but it says massager, and the price is even cool.

Karl: Yeah, it's on sale, I don't get much allowance, you know, I've been saving up.

Meryon: Let's go in, the store looks empty, it won't take long to serve us.

Karl went in and asked for the massager. The attendant looked at them incredulously. It was a fact that this place was forbidden for minors, but who cared about that? They were customers, and money was always welcome, as long as no one found out. And the attendant need not know what Karl and Meryon would do with that item.

Karl: Will Mom like it?

Meryon: Oh, I like it... I think it's nice. I think it will make her feel a lot better.

The attendant was increasingly surprised.

The boys then returned home, and Meryon had understood the attraction they had for each other. And even though at no time had they declared their feelings for each other, they were becoming closer and closer. We have to accept that this is not something that happened in the last week. They were neighbors, they had a past.

The difference was that this time they had feelings on the edge of their skin, due to early puberty.

That night, Karl prepared the surprise for Mom, just before going to bed, coming on tiptoe, bringing a cake, which although it had been bought, looked very tasty.

Karl: Happy Birthday!

Mom: Oh, dear! What a fright!

Karl: Happy birthday mommy. Te amo!

Mom: Oh my goodness, you didn't have to hahahaha, I love you too dear.

Karl: Just a moment, I bought a gift for the lady.

Mom: A gift?

Karl: I hope you like it. I heard you say you needed one, so I saved up to try to help you.

Mom: Oh dear, I'm a little embarrassed that way. Your money should be used for fun...

Karl: I enjoy seeing you happy, Mom. Come on, open up.

Mom was very surprised. But very surprised. There was a sex toy in her hands. She didn't know what to think. How had Karl found it? When had she said she needed one?

Karl: I looked for massagers, and found this one.

Now it all made sense.

This is the finale season of The Godfather. I will be back with more stories soon. I can promise you that the future will be more hardcore, I believe that there is nothing more that I can explore within discovery, after all, Karl already understands that he loves Meryon. Now all he has to do is to enter this world and enjoy the pleasures of life.

I want to thank Just Radiation for making their images available for me to use in the Sex Shop. Thank you <3



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