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We are in Malcom and Kiara's parents' bedroom. Malcom and Kiara are two of our protagonists. Today Malcolm is out of deodorant, and for that reason, he will have to ask to use Daddy's, which will trigger a wave of unexpected events.

Malcolm: Daddy, can I borrow your deodorant?

Father: Yes, it's inside the top drawer.

Malcom: Thanks daddy.

Mother: Malcom, we're going to the market, we'll be back soon.

Malcolm opened the drawer. Inside were clothes, beauty and hygiene products, and a trunk.

Malcom: Hmm, where is... here!

Malcolm loved to look in the mirror while getting ready.

Malcom: Now let's make this little body smell good. You're handsome!

At that moment, Kiara came to her parents' room. She was getting ready to take a shower, and she had also come to borrow something from her mom, as her hair conditioner had run out.

Kiara: Malcom, can you get the conditioner from the top drawer please?

Malcom: Of course.

Kiara: You should use a towel if you're going to walk around the house naked.

Malcom: You're one to talk. Your towel doesn't cover your whole body either! Look at your pussy showing there!

Kiara: Wow, I hadn't even noticed. I'm going to ask Dad to buy a new one.

Malcom: How is this stuff packaged, anyway? What's it even look like?

Malcolm wasn't familiar with feminine cleaning products, usually using only shampoo and soaps.

As he searched, he noticed a closed trunk.

Malcom: Is it in here?

Upon opening the chest, Malcom came across something he had never seen.

Malcom: Wow....

To be continued...



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