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Just to inform you: I'll be closing my Fanbox this sunday, so in around 48 - 50 hours after posting this entry.

The new TOS changes are happening on december 15th and since the next week will be pretty busy for me I won't be able to wait until wednesday. So I'll have to do it early. Unfortunately the new TOS still aren't 100% clear to what will happen to this kind of art.

I'll post my last work in around an hour today, make sure to catch it before sunday. Since I'll remove the "Supporter" plan I don't think you have to unsubscribe, but feel free to do so to be on the safe side.

Make sure to at least follow this account cause I'll make a public post once I know how I'll continue. I will also inform on my Pixiv account if there are any news. If all works out fine I should be back mid to late january.

Stay safe folks, I already wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for all the support over the years, wouldn't have been able to do this without you! 🖤




Hope I can see your work in the future


Damn Shame... Here's hoping you find another site with which we can support you (unless you already did and told us about, in which case I'm being stupid again) <3


Bad the way things are going, but all I needed to hear was that you plan to continue - and you do - yay I hope you can use subscribestar. Enjoy your Christmas break, maybe have a little cheeky drink of Sherry as a tribute to your finest girl :)


I have something worked out, just wanna see how things go here first. I'll let you all know soon enough.


Yeah, I'll be back. Good opportunity to take a short break and sort things out for the future.


I was always happy when you released something new. But at the moment, everything about Fanbox is one big uncertainty with lots of question marks. Even the new rules are not very concrete. They leave a lot of room for interpretation by the respective Pixiv reviewer. Hopefully we will see each other again. And if not on Pixiv, then on another platform. Whether on Sub, Patreon or Discord. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too. And keep your chin up.

Scott NSFW

Man, this sucks, will support your work wathever the alternative it is!!


I hope the best for you and I hope there is no problem in the future. If you return, can you send a newsletter too? I would rather not miss the announcement since my feed gets full really fast


Thanks. Happy holidays and New Year!


sad to see you go man, hope you can open a fantia or a subscribestar soon


I recently started supporting you so it's a shame but I'll try to support you again once you decide where to continue.


I'd be willing to support you on another platform. Just say where.


We shall meet again on the other site... I mean side. "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish"


Will you be moving to a new platform if Fanbox doesn't work out?


What if nothing changes to fictional art? Will you come back?




Get some rest and if nothing changes i'll be more than happy to see you back! Your work can't be replaced by anyone else!