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What's delving, my abyss explorers? Today we got 2 Reg line art pieces, plus line art for this new swordsman(boy?) for hire. I know that most of you like fully colored renders, so to sweeten the deal I'm throwing this beach boyo. Wouldn't it be fun if such skimpy undies were way more common? One can dream... ヨー、探窟家たち! 今日はレグくんと新しい剣士くんの線画があります。でも線画だけのはちょっとつまらないからこのビーチの男の子も投稿します。 彼が履いているパンツはどう思いますか?こういう小さめのパンツはもっと流行っていればいいですね... Song of the week|今週の歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw8R7U5OxeQ&mskl_=SW5kaXZpZHVhbEVsZXZlbmh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvQnhnVmdaeWIjbU9WRFpEZER0alRvY0JGdXpEOEsyQQ== Totally unrelated link|全く無関係のリンク: https://masklink.boniatillo.com/ Funny group of the week|今週の面白い連中: IndividualEleven




Ahhh Cute Reg!! and Oh my!! I need to hire this swordsman as a personal guard, never EVER to leave my side!! OwO What a cutie in his skimpy swimwear :3 Awesome Ghost in the shell, although it seems to be... lacking, like its missing all the new vibes... :P Hope you are keeping well and have a great week ahead of you!!! Always amazing seeing your amazing art!!! <3


All are so cuteee :0