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Weekly Roundup 156 - Boss Battle 1 - Week 6

Hi everyone, another great week of work done on the boss battle to show off!.

Let's get into it!

Also a quick announcement that the current plan is to release a new playable build of the Bindmancer in two weeks time near the end of the month. So it's coming!

1: What's New?

Animations and Polish:

So the main bulk of work this week was spent in animating and polishing the boss battle.

I did a bunch of things including making the tentacles move out of and into the pits. Added more expressions to the boss and unique zoom ins each time a little boss of the boss is reduced in power.

Tweaked a bunch of lighting as well and overall the boss battle itself is quite tight in design and flow! I want to make it a little bit longer then it currently does if you know what you're doing. But we'll get there.


So of course a boss battle isn't complete without boss music. We're currently working on some different tracks that play during the level. I've attached the main track that's a work in progress. But more or less it incorporates the past few level themes and ties them together into boss music!


2: What's Next? - Timeline for Releasing the Boss Battle.

I didn't know for sure how much time creating a boss battle was going to take coming into it so now we're at the 6 week mark of work being done on it and there's still a bit left to do.

In my mind there's about 4 weeks left of work to make it feel complete. Which includes:

- 2 Weeks to add in additional artwork and a prisoner freeing sequence that feels good and thematic. There's some additional artwork here I want to commission for it. But I need to sketch it out first. In this 2 weeks I also need to hook the boss battle up to the level select screen.

- 2 Weeks to create a proper boss battle game over sequence. Multiple people have asked for it and I want to make a unique game over for it as well. I'm sure lots of peeps wants to see the boss entrapping the Bindmancer.

So here's the deal: I want a new build to be playable to patrons by the end of the month. I couldn't release a build last month so I think it would be pretty unfair to not release one before this one is out.

So for the next two weeks I'll work on the prisoner freeing sequence and release the boss battle.

And then in the first two weeks of September I'll also make the boss battle game over animation.


- Caroo



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