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Hi Everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the start to August!

This week we'll be looking at a new enemy type that I've started work on.

1: What's New?

So I wanted to create a new enemy type that was a bit more numerous and easy for the player to defeat.

To that End I've made a start on a Slime-Monster enemy: A pretty classic enemy for these games.

For this week some time was spent at first sketching it out, as well as what a "Captured" animation state would look like.

Then I got those sketches into Unity and started to create the new enemy type.

I have a bunch of ideas for this new enemy but one of the characteristics is that its windup attack can be interrupted and the slime can be stun-locked and defeated.

Which is intended as the enemy it supposed to be easy on their own.

Being a slime as well It's going to be very color variable and I want to perhaps tie different rewards or different levels of difficulty to different colored slimes.

I also have some ideas on how an attack might result in the "Captured" state.

This is also the first time I've worked on an enemy by getting just the sketch work art into the game first and working out the logic, then working on the rest of the art later. Hopefully this will mean a bit less revision needed in the long run.

2: What's Next?

Next week will be more focused work on this enemy type. I want to try and get a new build out for the 12th of August If I can!

I want to develop a bit more fun logic for this slime and get the captivity feature for it in-game as well.

Then the week after that will be refined art for this new enemy!

What do you think? :D

- Caroo



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