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_ Access has been sent to everyone who filled out the information . Upcoming versions will be edited for the better and add a few gratitude scenes for old supporters. Thank you ! please keep it for yourself only 🙏


This is the first time my cat doing animation so there will be a lot of shortcomings ... enjoy it ? hate it ? feel free to complain here.

_ For throne supporter, it is recommended that if you are not in a hurry, you should watch the later version for a better experience.


_ If you still haven't received it:

(1) you filled in the wrong information (username, mail)

(2) your Email provider cannot access ggdrive: qq mail , outlook mail, ...

=> Use Google mail.

(3) There is no data about you on fanbox (???)

(4) your information looks suspicious and needs further checking


update 2.

see if you are red here . I will check again in about 1 day

I dont know why some people dont have any data.

Currently have 5 ppl without access.



If you have filled in the information on the (23/4) notice but have not yet been able to access it.

Message me I will give you link to request access again. remember to use the same email, user name. since your information is already there.


If you have just arrived and have not filled your information in the first notice(23/4/2023) . Wait for the second registration, dont message me. I can't personal support for every person. Please read first.


already watch the video? don't hesitate to tell me what you think

a big thanks for all male voice actors who help so much for the creation of this



Kinohara Kossuta

for users with email problem . May I send it to your gg mail ?


Has my ominous premonition come true? I really haven't received the link, maybe the email I left is incorrect?


I went to Gmail to confirm that the email address I left was correct, maybe due to time difference


I provided a gmail address, but it did not received the mail


W...ell, I'm the one who send you 'n' mail address and...nothing received here, so...may I send you gmail address then?



Hello, good morning, I have not received access and I do not appear on the list

Kinohara Kossuta

wait for 1-2 hour to comments guys. I'm hand checking so its take time :( may miss some people


I entered my email address, but I did not receive an email. What should I do?


What I left is my 163 email, maybe sending through Gmail will avoid some issues.This is something I didn't consider carefully.After all, accessing Google products in China can still be a bit troublesome. X(


Oh yeah, sorry hahaha, for me the post announcement went out about 2 hours ago so I was a little worried because I haven't received the access yet


Didn't receive the email, I don't appear to be on the list


メールの内容を間違えてしまいました もう一度送る方法はありますか?


I got the email. Still weird to see Arlecchio be a sub tbh



Well, i get the access to the vid and heres my opinión This is, without a doubt, a very good animation, the movements are fluid, the sound is not bad at all and the male voices are not as annoying as in other videos, since it is your first animation, I can say that you did a great work, there are some shots in which the change is not so good from one scene to another since the effect flashes but other than that, everything is very good... But what happens a week later! AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I was left with doubt


This is Fire!!!😍


I haven't received the link yet, but I can wait and take advantage of this time to prepare for next month's payment. ( >_ <)


I have used your Google mail address, so could you please send it again?

Simon Fox

I haven't received it yet, but I'll definitely wait


Hello, I didn't see my email highlighted in red, but I haven't received the email.


I haven't got the video yet but I'm pretty sure I filled out the form correctly


Hello, I didn't see my email highlighted in red, but I haven't received the email.


I checked my email but still haven't received it, and my name doesn't appear on the list. It's really strange.

Kinohara Kossuta

あなたの tyoko メールにはすでにアクセス権があります。 ログインしているか、スパムボックスに入っているかを確認してください。


I checked my email but still haven't received it, and my name doesn't appear on the list. It's really strange.


確認できました 対応ありがとうございますご迷惑おかけしました


If the email is not working, we can try sending the file link using pixiv private information. I think we can download it using One driver. ( T A T )



Kinohara Kossuta

Anyone who is not red and dont have access, Message me I will give you link to request access again.


Thanks for your masterpiece, it is a shame that I knew you this late, and I am going to change my plan to Throne cause this is just so right in my strike zone!!! 色爆了!!! Little help for people who can't access the video: If someone is facing the problem of not getting the email might be because they misunderstand the access method, you are not receiving the video link by email, you should check your Google Drive with the account that registered by the email that you filled in the form(If you don't have a Google account with this email address, you may need to sign up for a Google account with this email address first), The video should be in the "Share with me" folder already. 为无法访问视频的用户提供一点帮助: 如果有人看不到视频然后问没收到邮件的话,可能是你误解了获取方式。Kiwihana并不是通过邮件直接发送视频链接,你应该直接去看看用你填写的邮箱注册的Google账户的Google Drive(如果你填的邮箱没注册过Google可能要先用这个邮箱注册一个Google账户),视频应该已经直接在“与我共享”文件夹中了。


Oh I didn't know there was a long process to this. I just thought I simply pay and see it. Is there any chance I can see it today cause i took an edible before this to enhanced the experience lol.


The animation is great and the voice you used for her is really close to the original. I loved it 👍


thanks a lot >.0

Kinohara Kossuta

If you have just arrived and have not filled in the information in the first notice. Wait for the second registration.


Hello, I have sent you a QQ mailbox, but it seems to be useless. But I can't sign up for Gmail.


Oh, I didn't get permission. Maybe it's because QQemail can't send permission? I sent you a private message from my other mailbox. You can send your permission to my other email address.


My google drive's share space, does not have video yet.

Kinohara Kossuta

Hello guys. If you have just arrived and have not filled your information in the first notice(28/4/2023) . Wait for the second registration, dont message me. I can't personal support for every person. Please read first!!! If you call me because of information I have clearly noted above, I will ignore that message. 🫶


Why haven't I received it yet?


Great work!! Looking forward to future versions of the video!


I like the animation so far, it looks great considering it's your cat's first time. I guess downloading isn't an option yet? Looking forward to see the next update.


Can I still obtain this video?


Maybe setup a patreon? I feel like that will have smoother process


When is the next registration?


emmmmm, where should I fill in the information, or should I wait for the second registration before filling in my email?


Amazing!!! Keep up the good work


あなたの作品はとても素晴らしいです、今後とも頑張ってください。 次の投稿でさらに作品が良い物に仕上がっていることを私は期待しています。


I dont think you'll get banned on patreon, i'm subscribed to a bunch of porn animators there for a few years now. Ero artists are thriving there


Your Cat cooked here 👍


Dang I was offline and missed registration, hopefully I'll catch the next one


A pity that I missed that form because I was too busy. Waiting for the second registration. Will the content obtained from the second registration be different?


hope i can get this animation next time XD


Didn't think the wait is going to be this long, why is second form on 10th and not sooner like tomorrow? Really like all the previews I've seen so far.


i'd have to wait for next access? so how long i have to wait till that


Oh you're adding more to the animation? I see got it, I was just thinking you'd redo the one that was already sent out.


When will the second registration begin?