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hello subscriber! as some of you felt past month, update has been less. its all because i was creating own story, visitor from past. it,s already poseted! i hope you would enjoy them since alot effort and time spent.i think i will not create such long length while now i will start creating commission. i will also re-create youtube channel because it was banned, omg! lastly i am very happy to have comments, like, or bookmark. it will help me keep going! thank you ! Author, jimmy



Always support u~


That's a fantastic story with a pending appetizing ending! Rare to see this kind of ball~scene artwork nowadays cause it's always take alot effort, as you said. There're fewer and fewer creative artists who are willing to delve into the plot, willing to see more of such long length under your name. Support as always. がんばって。٩( 'ω' )و