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いつもご支援・応援ありがとうございます。 なかなか思うように進められない部分も多々ありますが、お陰様でなんとか前進できております。 今回はリハビリ用・新年・バレンタイン絵3つを兼ねて描いている絵の仮塗絵です。 この後ひどいことになります… 前回お知らせいたしました通り、来月3月より活動再開という形になります。 まだ体調や実生活、ご依頼物、サイト整備等、体制整えつつとなり、また昨年の轍を踏まないようにスロースタート気味に進めていきたいと思いますが、どうぞご容赦くださいませ。 ひとまず3月の予定は、今回の仮塗絵の完成版とその差分何枚か、そして月末に人体アートの最新版の更新予定です。 (次回の人体アートの差分枚数は内容的な理由と作業量的に、少しいつもより控えめになると思います) それでは来月からまたどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. There are many parts of the project that are not progressing as smoothly as I would like, but thanks to your support, I am making progress. This is a tentative painting of a picture I am working on for rehabilitation, New Year, and Valentine's Day. It will be terrible after this... As I informed you last time, I will resume my activities from next March. I am still trying to get my system in order in terms of my health, my real life, requests, site maintenance, etc. I will try to start slowly so as not to make the same mistakes as last year, but please bear with me. For the time being, we are planning to update the completed version of this temporary painting and some of its differences, as well as the latest version of the human body art at the end of the month. (The number of differences of the human body art will be a little smaller than usual, due to the content and the amount of work involved.) Thank you very much and we look forward to working with you again in the next month. Translated by DeepL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢你们的持续支持和帮助。 由于你们的支持,我已经成功地取得了进展,尽管有许多部分并不像我希望的那样顺利。 这次是我为康复、新年和情人节画的一幅临时画。 这之后会很糟糕... 正如我们上次通知的那样,我们将从明年三月开始恢复活动。 我仍在努力使我的健康、我的现实生活、我收到的请求和网站达到要求,我想慢慢开始,这样我就不会犯去年的错误。 就目前而言,我们3月份的日程安排是在月底更新这幅临时画的完成版和它的一些差异,以及最新版本的人体艺术。 (我想由于内容和工作量的关系,下一版的人体艺术的差异数量会比平时少一点)。 我们期待着下个月再次与您合作。 翻译:DeepL




Happy to hear you're still making art. Looking forward to continuing human body art. Maybe we can still get translation of previous chapters in English? Hope you're feeling better.


Please take care <3


happy to see your work soon

