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※This is a SS written for personal use. I used a translation application, so there may be some translation errors. Please understand. Having observed a new micro-singularity, Chaldea sent two people, Master (female) and Carmilla, on a search. When they arrived at the singularity, a huge abandoned food factory appeared out of the fog before them. After exploring the area for a while and detecting the Holy Grail inside the factory, the two entered the factory. The inside of the factory was relatively undeteriorated; in fact, it had only been abandoned for a short time. After exploring the office building and production lines, they arrive at a large food storage room. There, they found a warehouse full of freshly prepared rice bowls that had not yet been shipped. After searching for an hour, the two decided that there was no chalice here and tried to leave, but suddenly the entrance was blocked and the warehouse was lit up. The master and Carmilla take an alert position. However, suddenly a larger chair appeared behind them and flew into the warehouse with them on board. Soon, the chair landed on a spot where two large rectangular-shaped desks were placed, and the rice bowls in the warehouse slowly began to fly away all together. Gradually, as they surrounded the area where they were, a large bowl of beef bowls landed on each other's desks, one at a time. The two were forced into an unintelligible situation and pouted. They moved away from their chairs, but were made to sit in their chairs again as if they had been moved instantly. Then, the words "Eat it, eat it all" appeared on their desks. The two were horrified by the sight of the floating rice bowls around them, but they discussed that this was the only way to eat the bowls and took a bite of them. The two men gobbled up their beef bowls with a crunch. After a few minutes, they had finished the bowl, but a new bowl of gyudon landed on their desks. [The two understood the meaning of the phrase "eat it all" and picked up the new bowl of beef bowl, exhaling a sigh. Five days later... "Amumu, mokugumugu..., ah mmm..! Mokkugu mokkugu...gokkugu!" Goku goku goku goku... buh, mmmm, mmmm..." Master and Carmilla continued to eat the bowls of rice served to them every day from 9:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night. Even when they were too full to eat any more, the bowls of rice continued to press on them. By the end of the day, their bellies were so full that they felt as if they were about to explode. The next day, however, the taut sensation was gone. Instead, their bodies were covered with a large amount of flab. With each passing day, their bodies grew fatter and fatter, and by the third day, they had gained so much weight that their stomachs were on the floor. And now... Ughhhh...how much more do I have to eat! Carmilla struggles with a platter full of cheese and beef bowl, but manages to eat her way through it. Her slender face was puffed up, her jaw connected to her neck was triple-jointed, and her cheeks were puffed up. The arm that held the spoon was flabby to the fingertips, and her upper arm was slightly hanging in the air due to her two arms that had grown thicker like floating rings. Her flabby breasts had grown huge and were supported by a huge bicep that hung out beneath them. Her buttocks had grown as large as her stomach and were sagging to the floor like water balloons. Her legs were also covered with fat. I wish it was just a little more...phew!" Master sits next to me and eats a heaping bowl of hamburger steak. His body was just as much a hunk of meat as Carmilla. However, compared to Carmilla, his chest and buttocks were slightly smaller and his stomach was bigger. The two of them proceeded to eat their bowls of rice while complaining. Various bowls of rice, such as tendon and pork bowls, which had been combined into a size suitable for the two of them to eat now, landed in front of them one after another. One after another, they were eaten up. I'm going to be a little bit more careful! Ugggghhhh... come on, come next!" Uggghhhh! Grrrrrroooooop! Carmilla and Master demanded another bowl of rice while spewing wild burps all over the place. As soon as a new bowl of rice landed on the table, they used their heavy bodies to put it in their stomachs. And then... Goku goku goku...buh~! I've finished it! "Buhuh~, I'm finally done~. Geez!" Two days later, the two finish the last dish and obtain the Holy Grail. However, when they returned to Chaldea, their bodies, which had become huge lumps of meat, could not be restored immediately, and they had to live in a huge underground warehouse for a while....


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